Imate li koji raspareni tanjur i čašicu na stalku koji vam se vuku po kuhinji, a žao vam ih je baciti, evo kako da im date novu svrhu.

Potrebno je:

1 tanjur
1 čaša na stalku (za sladoled, likere, vino…)
silikon ili vruće ljepilo
akrilna boja u spreju
gumene rukavice


Tanjur i čašu dobro operite i temeljito osušite.

Odlučite što ćete obojati: hoćete li bojati samo stražnju stranu tanjura i unutrašnjost čaše (kao na svijetloplavom pladnju na slici) ili ćete obojati cijeli pladanj (poput crnoga na fotografiji).

Navucite rukavice, zaštitite podlogu na kojoj ćete bojati (možete uzeti neku  kartonsku kutiju pa sprejati u njoj!) i obojite tanjur i čašu tankim slojem boje. Ostavite da se osuše.

Želite li intenzivniju boju, suhi sloj prebojite još jednom.

Kad se boja potpuno osušila, slijepite čašu i tanjur.
Okrenite tanjur i čašu naopako, tako da donja strana bude gore, pa dno stalka čaše premažite slojem silikona ili vrućim ljepilom.
(Meni se čini da je silikon u ovom slučaju pouzdanije rješenje!)
Lagano pritisnite namazanu stranu čaše na sredinu donje strane tanjura. Oprezno položite neku tešku knjigu na vrh čaše i ostavite nekoliko sati da se zalijepi.


If you have a mismatched plate and a stem glass lingering around your kitchen that you’re not quite ready to part with, this might be just the thing to give them a whole new purpose.

What you need:

1 plate
1 stem glass (ice cream/liquor/wine…)
silicone or hot glue
acrylic paint spray

Wash and dry both the plate and the glass thoroughly.

Decide whether you will only paint the back side of the plate and the inner side of the glass (as we did with the light-blue dessert plate) or the entire plate (as we did with the black one).

Put on the gloves, protect the surface on which you intend to spray the paint (I usually place an item in a cardboard box and spray-paint it inside!) and apply a thin layer of paint on both the plate and the glass. Leave to dry.

If you want the colour to be darker/shinier, coat the dried layer again.

When thoroughly dry, you need to “connect” the glass and the plate.
Turn them upside down and apply a layer of silicone or hot glue to the bottom side of the foot of the glass.
(I think silicone is a better choice in this case!)
Press the glass foot lightly against the centre of the plate’s back side. Place a heavy book carefully on top of the glass and leave for several hours for the plate and glass to stick.