Ovakve je medenjake pred Božić mijesila moja baka. Uz njih je odrastala moja mama.

Šteta bi bilo ne sačuvati ih za moju djecu…


Tijesto: ½ kg mekog brašna

2 jaja

3-4 dl meda

Prstohvat soli

1 žlica sode bikarbone

Klinčić, cimet

Naribana narančina kora

Šećer po želji


Glazura: 2 šalice šećera u prahu

1 bjelanjak

Cijeđeni sok naranče


Od sastojaka umijesite glatko tijesto. Zamotajte ga u plastičnu foliju i ostavite u hladnjaku preko noći.

Drugi ga dan podijelite na 4 jednaka dijela. Svaki formirajte u kobasicu pa režite jednake dijelove i od njih oblikujte kuglice. Slažite ih ( ne odveć blizu, jer će narasti!)  na lim prekriven papirom za pečenje.

Medenjake pecite na 180 stupnjeva 10-15  min. Kad ih izvadite, bit će lagano potamnjeli i mekani. Ostavite ih u plehu 10 min jer će se stisnuti kako se budu hladili.

U lagano umućeni bjelanjak dodajte šećer u prahu i 2 žlice narančinog soka. Dobro promiješajte da dobijete sjajnu glazuru. Ako je prerijetka, dodajte još šećera. Ako je pak prekruta, dodajte još malo soka. Glazura treba biti kompaktna,ali tekuća. Možete je staviti u tuljac i njome iscrtavati šare po medenjacima ili cijeli kolačić umočiti u glazuru. Neka se osuši na zraku.


My grandma used to bake these honey-breads (gingerbread without the ginger) right before Christmas. My mum grew up with them. It would be a pity not to pass down the recipe to my children…


½ kg plain flour
2 eggs
3-4 dl honey
a pinch of salt
1 tbsp baking soda
cloves, cinnamon
grated orange zest
sugar to taste
2 cups icing sugar
1 egg white
freshly squeezed orange juice


Combine the ingredients to make smooth dough. Wrap it with plastic foil and refrigerate overnight.
The next day divide it into 4 equal parts. Make a sausage out of each part, cut into equally-sized discs and form small balls. Arrange them on a baking tin lined with parchment paper, leaving enough space between them to allow them to rise!
Bake for 10 – 15 minutes at 180 °C. When removed from the oven, they will be lightly browned and soft. Leave them on the baking tin for 10 minutes as they get harder as they cool.
Lightly beat the egg white, add icing sugar and 2 tablespoons of orange juice. Mix well to get a glossy icing. If too runny, add more sugar. If too stiff, add more juice. The icing should be thick but liquid-like. Dip the honey-breads into the icing, or place the icing in a piping bag and decorate the breads.
Leave them to air-dry.