By | Siječanj 11th, 2019|Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Food, Hrana, Posebne prilike, Special Occasions, Torte|

Ingredients: For the sponge: 3 eggs (separate yolks and whites) 3 tbsp cold water 150 ml sugar 150 ml flour Crème # 1: 250 g chocolate 125 g butter 5 eggs (separate yolks and whites) 75 g icing sugar 3 gelatine sheets Crème # 2: 4 egg yolks 100 g sugar 150 ml milk 1 [...]


By | Siječanj 17th, 2017|Desserts, Food, Hrana, Posebne prilike, Special Occasions|

Ingredients: 1 package of bigna (choux pastry balls, the same you’d use for St. Honoré cake) 500 ml sweet cream For the ganache: 150 g sugar 250 g dark chocolate 60 g flour 8 egg yolks 25 g butter 1 vanilla pod 1 l milk Method: Cut the vanilla pod lengthwise and add to [...]


By | Ožujak 28th, 2016|Easter, Food, Hrana, Let's celebrate!, Meat, Meso, Posebne prilike, Predjela, Side-dishes, Slavimo, Special Occasions, Starters, Uskrs|

Kažu da svako mjesto u Gorskom Kotaru ima svoj recept i naziv za ovo zanimljivo jelo. Najčešće se nadjev kuha u crijevu, poput kobasice, a u nekim ga mjestima oblikuju u valjuške ili peku u pećnici. Ovo je moje viđenje tog ukusnog jela koje možete  pripremiti i od ostataka blagdanske gozbe. Sastojci: 1 [...]


By | Ožujak 7th, 2016|Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Food, Hrana, Posebne prilike, Special Occasions, Torte|

Sastojci: Biskvit: 3 jaja (odvojite bjelanjke od žutanjaka) 3 žlice hladne vode 1 1/2 dl šećera 1 1/2 dl brašna Krema: 6 žutanjaka 14 dag šećera 1 dcl mlijeka 4-5 listića želatine 1 kg jagoda ½ šalice šećera u prahu 500 ml slatkog vrhnja Za ukras: jagode 250 ml slatkog vrhnja 250 ml slatkog vrhnja [...]


By | Ožujak 23rd, 2015|Appetizers&Snacks, Food, Hrana, Posebne prilike, Side-dishes, Starters, Veggie, Veggie|

Ingredients: 125 g dry chickpeas 1 lemon ½ cup olive oil + 2 tablespoons for sautéing + 1 tablespoon for serving 1 scallion ½ teaspoon ground cumin ½ teaspoon cayenne or chili pepper 3 minced garlic cloves 2 tablespoons tahini paste 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice salt and pepper to taste Method: [...]