
500 g glatkog brašna

5 žl ulja

Prstohvat soli

Cca 2 dl tople vode


500-600 g kravljeg sira

4 jaja

4 dl kiselog vrhnja




Izmiješajte brašno, sol i ulje pa dolijevajte toliko vode koliko je potrebno da umijesite glatko tijesto. Trebalo bi biti podatno, lako za rukovanje i ne ljepljivo. Dobro izrađeno tijesto podijelite na 2 dijela, oblikujte u kugle, premažite uljem i ostavite da počiva 30 minuta.

Napravite nadjev. Vilicom istucite jaja, dodajte 2 dl vrhnja i sir. Posolite po ukusu. Dobro izmiješajte.

Čisti stolnjak pobrašnite pa na njemu valjkom razvaljajte tijesto. Kad ste ga potpuno razvaljali, nastavite razvlačiti rukama. Pažljivo zavucite prste jedne ruke pod tijesto i pridržavajući drugom rukom, povlačite prema van. Tako će tijesto postati tanko, gotovo prozirno. (No, ne brinite se ako i ne ispadne baš toliko tanko. Štrukli, za razliku od savijača, trpe i malo „punije“ tijesto.)

Polovinu pripremljenog nadjeva rasporedite po tijestu do pola.  Počevši od kraja s nadjevom, s obje ruke podižite stolnjak da zarolate tijesto u dugačku roladu.

Rubom tanjura režite štrukle. Slažite ih u namašćen lim za pečenje, prelijte preostalim vrhnjem i stavite peći na 180 stupnjeva 30 minuta.

Nakon 25 min štrukle obilno premažite maslacom i vratite u pećnicu da dobiju lijepu hrskavu koricu.



500 g plain flour
5 tbsp oil
a pinch of salt
about 2 dl warm water
500-600 g cottage cheese
4 eggs
4 dl sour cream

Combine the flour, salt, oil and just enough water to knead smooth dough. It should be easy to handle and not sticky. Divide and form two balls, rub with oil and leave to rest for 30 minutes.
To make the filling, use a fork to whisk the eggs, and then add 2 dl cream and the cheese. Season with salt to taste and mix well.
Dust a clean table cloth with flour and roll out the dough. Keep pulling the sides of the dough outwards with your fingertips – carefully pull your hand under the dough and pull outwards while holding the dough with the other hand. Do so until the dough is very thin, almost see-through. Don’t worry if the dough is not as thin as one would expect for strudel – the štrukli can handle it.
Spread half of the filling halfway over the dough. Use both hands to start lifting the table cloth from the side with the filling on, thus rolling the dough into a long roll.
Use a plate rim to cut the štrukli. Arrange them in a greased baking tin, pour over with the remaining cream and bake at 180 °C.
After 25 minutes, spread the butter on top of the štrukli and bake for a couple of minutes longer until a nice, crispy crust has formed.