Tradicionalni portugalski “snack” – bolinhos de bacalhau – oduševit će i vaše goste.


300 g bakalara, odsoljenog u vodi bar 24 sata

4 veća krumpira, skuhana u kori

3 jaja, lagano umućena

1 manji luk

1 češanj češnjaka

Sjeckani peršin – po želji



1 žličica vina porto (ili našeg prošeka)

½ žličice ljutog umaka – po želji

Ulje za prženje


Bakalar kuhajte u vodi 15-ak minuta. Ocijedite, odvojite kosti, ribu natrgajte na sitno. Luk i češnjak usitinite sjeckalicom za hranu.

Kuhani krumpir ogulite pa ga protisnite u pire (vilicom ili sitom za pire).  Dodajte ribu, nasjeckani luk i češnjak, kosani peršin, ulijte porto. Promiješajte vilicom.Popaprite, dodajte ljuti umak, sol po potrebi.

Jaja lagano umutite vilicom pa umiješajte u smjesu ribe i krumpira.

U dubljoj tavi zagrijte ulje. S dvije velike žlice oblikujte krokete. Pržite ih u vrućem ulju da postanu zlatno-smeđi sa svih strana. Izvadite na upijajući papir da se ocijede od viška masnoće. Poslužite.


A traditional Portuguese snack – bolinhos de bacalhau – to impress your guests.


300 g cod, desalted in water for at least 24 hours
4 large potatoes, boiled unpeeled
3 eggs, lightly beaten
1 small onion
1 clove garlic
chopped parsley leaves, optional
salt and pepper
1 teaspoon Port wine
½ teaspoon hot sauce, optional
frying oil


Boil the cod in water for about 15 minutes. Drain, bone and chop up the meat. Chop the onion and garlic in a food processor.
Peel the boiled potatoes and mash using a fork or a masher. Add the fish, chopped onion and garlic, chopped parsley, and the wine. Stir with a fork. Add the hot sauce and season with pepper and salt if needed.
Lightly beat the eggs with a fork. Add to the fish and potato mixture.
Heat the oil in a deep pan. Form the croquettes using two spoons. Fry until golden. Drain excess fat on paper towels and serve.