By | Svibanj 9th, 2017|Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Food|

Ingredients: For the pancakes: 2 eggs 3 cups milk 2 ½ cups flour 1 tbsp sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder a pinch of salt grated lemon zest 1 teaspoon melted butter or oil + extra for greasing the pan For the crème: 250 g mascarpone cheese 200 ml sweet cream 1 pouch vanilla sugar 2-3 [...]


By | Svibanj 5th, 2017|Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Food|

Ingredients: 500 g puff pastry (2x250 g) 6 egg yolks 400 ml milk 100 ml sweet cream 10 tbsp granulated sugar 1 vanilla pod 3 tbsp starch 100 g dark chocolate icing sugar Method: Preheat the oven to 200 °C. Roll out each piece of puff pastry to the size of an oven-size tin [...]


By | Travanj 28th, 2017|Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Food|

Ingredients: For the crust: 300 g ground biscuits 124 g melted butter For the crème: 750 g cream cheese 4 eggs 300 ml sour cream grated lime (or lemon) zest 200 g icing sugar 2 pouches vanilla sugar 2 tbsp flour For the icing: 500 g strawberries and wild berries (you can use frozen berries) [...]


By | Travanj 2nd, 2017|Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Food, Special Occasions|

Ingredients: For the sponge (génoise): 6 eggs 180 g sugar 1 pouch vanilla sugar 150 g plain flour For the crème: 6 egg yolks ½ l milk 150 g sugar 30 g starch (or plain flour) 1 vanilla pod (or 1 tbsp vanilla) ½ l sweet cream (@ refrigerator temp.) ½ kg strawberries 2 pouches [...]


By | Ožujak 28th, 2017|Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Food|

Ingredients: For a 21-cm cake tin For the cake/base: 75 g butter, softened 75 g sugar 2 eggs 85 g plain flour 2 tbsp milk ½ teaspoon baking powder a pinch of salt 25 g cocoa powder 50 g ground almonds ¾ cup black coffee, cold For the crème: 350 g dark chocolate, chopped 300 [...]


By | Veljača 24th, 2017|Cakes & Pastries, Cookies&Treats, Desserts, Food|

Ingredients: For the brownie: 150 g dark chocolate, chopped coarsely 200 g butter or margarine, diced 2 tbsp cocoa powder 8 tbsp sugar 1 pouch vanilla sugar 10 tbsp plain flour a pinch of salt 4 tbsp coconut flour (or plain flour) 3 eggs, lightly beaten For the coconut filling: 1 package cream cheese (200 [...]


By | Veljača 14th, 2017|Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Food, Special Occasions, Valentine's Day|

Ingredients: 300 g lady fingers 1 can pear compote (or 4 large poached Williams pears) Crème No. 1 200 ml sweet cream 100 g dark chocolate 1 tbsp cocoa powder Crème No. 2 200 g mascarpone cheese 200 ml sweet cream 3-4 tbsp icing sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract Method: You will first need [...]


By | Veljača 9th, 2017|Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Food|

Ingredients: For the sponge: 5 eggs 6 tbsp sugar 5 tbsp flour 3 tbsp oil 2 tbsp cocoa powder ½ pouch baking powder For the icing: 8 tbsp sugar 1 ½ dl water For the crème: ½ l milk 2 pouches vanilla-flavoured pudding powder 1 pouch vanilla sugar 5 tbsp sugar 1 margarine stick (250 [...]


By | Siječanj 25th, 2017|Cakes & Pastries, Desserts, Food|

Ingredients: 5-6 large (sour) apples 10-11 tbsp sugar (depending on how sour the apples are) 1 teaspoon cinnamon – optional 2 satchels vanilla-flavoured pudding 200 g Petit Beurre biscuits 1 cup milk ½ l sweet cream 2 tbsp icing sugar Method: Peel and seed the apples. Cut into thick slices Place in a pot, [...]

SALENJACI – Lard Puff Pastry Wraps with Jam

By | Listopad 10th, 2016|Cakes & Pastries, Cookies&Treats, Food|

Ingredients: ½ kg lard (leaf lard, snow white and odourless!) 20 dag flour 75 dag flour 2 eggs, lightly beaten 1 cube of fresh yeast 1 cup warm milk 1 teaspoon sugar juice of ½ lemon a small amount of white wine – optional jam icing sugar Method: Ground the lard (use a meat [...]