By | Srpanj 6th, 2018|Children, DIY, Djeca, DOM, Home, Little creators, Pokloni, Presents, Uradi sam|

Let your children enjoy hours of play-time with blocks you made yourself What you need: wooden blocks, 6x6 cm (you can have them cut at any hardware store) acrylic paint Mod Podge – varnish-glue adhesive paper tape a brush sanding paper Sand all the blocks, making all the sides smooth. Use [...]


By | Svibanj 19th, 2018|Birthday, Children, DIY, Djeca, DOM, Halloween, Home, Kids, Little creators, maskenbal, Pokloni, Presents, Rođendan, Uradi sam|

Set up a tepee in your yard or your child's bedroom and provide hours of fun What you need: For the teepee: 4 – 6 bamboo poles 180 – 200 cm in length 3 m of fabric 1.50 m wide several heavy duty elastic bands mostly used for canning rope several large safety [...]


By | Travanj 16th, 2018|DIY, Djeca, DOM, Home, Little creators, Presents, Uradi sam|

These bookends will hold your books neat, even on open-end shelves or cabinet tops. What you need: 2 pieces of wood, 10x15x2 cm each sandpaper spray paint acrylic paint brushes 2 10-cm L brackets a screwdriver and 4 screws finishing spray (optional) To sand the blocks, use coarse sandpaper first, followed [...]


By | Siječanj 9th, 2018|DIY, Djeca, DOM, Home, Kids, Little creators, Pokloni, Presents, Uradi sam|

 Sock monkeys are considered the world's most adorable toys. Materials and Tools: 1 pair of socks (adult size, striped or with a pattern) 1 ribbon wadding fabric (to stuff the socks) embroidery floss 2 buttons or 2 plastic eyes thread and needle pins Turn the sock around and [...]


By | Rujan 9th, 2017|Children, DIY, Djeca, Home, Little creators, Uradi sam|

Create a puppet show with your children! I believe that loved ones of all ages will enjoy taking part! To make a home theatre, click HERE. To make the dolls, you only need several wooden spoons, acrylic paints and your imagination. What you need: wooden spoons acrylic paints brushes collage paper cardboard muffin [...]


By | Rujan 15th, 2016|DIY, Djeca, DOM, Home, Little creators, Presents, Uradi sam|

After one too many times in the dishwasher, porous glass corrodes and your glasses get white smears that are not nice to see. That’s no reason for you to discard them – turn them into something new! What you need: a glass pieces of broken plates or plastic mosaic tiles (available at hobby [...]


By | Veljača 5th, 2016|Birthday, Children, DIY, Djeca, Halloween, Kids, Let's celebrate!, Little creators, maskenbal, Slavimo|

Za izradu ove suknjice nije potrebno znanje šivanja. Ona je reciklirana od onog mnoštva najlonskih vrećica koje vam se vuku po domu. Uključite svoju malenu Havajku u stvaranje kostima i veselje će biti potpuno! Potrebno je: veće najlonske vrećice raznih boja (zelene, žute, ružičaste, bijele, plave...) šira guma (malo veća od opsega struka vašeg [...]