U mjesecima kad više boravimo na otvorenom, uz roštilj i veća društva dobro će doći i zidni otvarač za boce. Fiksirajte ga na zid vaše terase, verande, objesite na stablo kraj kojeg postavljate stol ili – darujte domaćinu kojem dolazite na druženje.

Treba vam:

daska 15 x 30 cm
metalni okov za otvaranje boca
manja limenka

čekić i dlijeto – po želji
bajc ili boja za drvo

brusni papir

2 alke za slike


Pobrusite dasku. Premažite je bajcom i osušite.

Olovkom označite položaj otvarača i limenke. Pripazite da nisu preblizu, tj. da boca može stati između njih.

Limenka će „skupljati“ čepove da ne lete posvuda.

Pri gornjem rubu limenke bušilicom napravite malu rupu. Kroz nju ćete lakše zaviti vijak.

Ako želite, ispišite olovkom, a zatim dlijetom istokarite neki natpis (primjerice: Živjeli!)

Pričvrstite otvarač i limenku vijcima.

Sa stražnje strane daske pričvrstite alke za sliku, a zatim otvarač objesite o čavle na zidu.


During the months in which we spend more time outdoors, by the barbeque and in large companies, a wall-mounted bottle opener will prove handy. Mount it on the wall of your terrace, porch or a tree under which you arrange your table – or give it as a present to your host.

What you need:

a plank
a metal bottle opener
a small can
a screwdriver
a drill
a hammer and a chisel (optional)
stain or paint for wood
a brush
a pencil
2 wire hoops

Sand the plank. Apply a layer of stain and leave to dry.
Mark the spots for the opener and the can. Make sure they are not close to each other so that a bottle can be inserted between them.
The can will collect the caps lest they should be scattered around.
Drill a small hole below the top edge of the can for a screw that will attach it to the plank.
Using a pencil, make an inscription (e.g.: Cheers!) and chisel it. (optional)
Attach the opener and the can using the screws.
Screw the hoops to the back side and hang on the wall.