Polazak u školu velika je stvar!
Sviđa mi se njemački običaj da mališana prvi put u školu otpratimo s tuljcem punim korisnih sitnica i slatkiša.
Evo kako tuljac iznenađenja možete napraviti sami:
Polazak u školu velika je stvar!
Sviđa mi se njemački običaj da mališana prvi put u školu otpratimo s tuljcem punim korisnih sitnica i slatkiša.
Evo kako tuljac iznenađenja možete napraviti sami:
I really like the German tradition of presenting first-graders with a big cardboard cone filled with useful items, toys and candies.
Here is how you can make one yourself:
1 sheet of coloured paperboard
1 roll of crêpe paper
1 sheet of thin wrapping paper
collage paper
a pencil
a ribbon
For the filling: a notebook, crayons, erasers, pens, sweets…
Roll the paperboard to form a cone. Fix with glue.
Cut the top rim to make it even.
To decorate the cone, cut out the letters of the pupil’s name from the glittering collage paper. Add all the details your little pupil likes (flowers, ribbons, cars…).
Cut a 3-4 cm-long strip from collage or crêpe paper. Make small incisions along one side. Glue the strip along the opening of the cone to make it look even better.
Cut a 25-30 cm-long strip from crêpe paper that should be 1.5 times the length of the circumference of the cone opening. Glue one of its long sides to the inside rim of the opening, crimping it slightly. Leave to dry completely.
Arrange the sweets and other items into 2-3 packages and wrap each with gift paper.
Place inside the cone.
Press the crêpe paper glued to the rim and tie with a ribbon.