U patchwork pokrivačima važno je odabrati materijale koji pristaju jedan uz drugoga. Možete se odlučiti za određene „bliske“ boje (primjerice – plava, zelena, žuta) ili, kao ja, odabrati žarke boje (ružičastu, žutu, crvenu, lila).

Želite li, kao ja, ispisati djetetovo ime na prekrivaču, na panama platnu križićima izvezite ime. Uz gornji i donji rub prišijte po jedan komad platna s uzorkom, svaki dimenzija 10,5 x 5,5 cm. Umjesto toga, možete koristiti komad platna s uzorkom veličine 21 x 21 cm.

Potrebno je:

1 m duple širine kariranog pamučnog platna – za podlogu i kosu traku

vatelin (60 x 90 cm) – za punjenje

16 kvadrata (11 x 11 cm) pamučnog materijala različitih uzoraka (možete upotrijebiti ostatke tkanina) – na shemi označeni slovom A

4 kvadrata (21 x 21 cm) pamučnog materijala različitih uzoraka – na shemi označeni slovom B

2 komada (16 x 61 cm) pamučnog materijala cvjetnog uzorka – na shemi označeni slovom D

sigurnosne igle („ziherice“)

Za središnjidio (s imenom) ):

1 komad panama platna (21 x 11 cm)

konac za goblene

2 komada materijala s uzorkom 10,5 x 5,5 cm- na shemi označeni sa slovom C


1 kvadrat materijala s uzorkom 21 x 21 cm


Na ravnoj površini poslažite sve komade kako najbolje pristaju. 4 velika kvadrata stavite u kutove, a između njih složite manje kvadrate. (Pogledajte shemu.)

U sredinu stavite ili pravokutnik s imenom (omeđen uskim trakama) ili veliki kvadrat materijala.

Kad ste zadovoljni rasporedom, počnite šivati.

Prvo jednim rubom sašijte po 2 susjedna manja kvadrata jedan za drugi. Dobit ćete 2 kvadrata u nizu koje ćete prišiti duljom stranicom za susjedna druga 2 kvadrata i tako formirati kvadrat veličine 20 x 20 cm. Od 16 manjih komada dobit ćete 4 veća.

Prišijte 1 od njih između 2 odgovarajuća kvadrata veličine 21 x 21 cm (označena slovom B) da dobijete gornju dugu traku. Ponovite s donjom trakom.

Kvadrat s imenom ili s uzorkom sašijte između 2 preostala sašivena 4-djelna kvadrata.

Dobit ćete 3 trake. Međusobno ih spojite duljim stranicama.

Materijal s cvjetnim uzorkom (16 x 61 cm) prišijte na vrh i dno sašivene prednjice (označen slovom D).

Izglačajte rubove.

Gotovu prednjicu položite na vatelin i pričvrstite na desetak mjesta sigurnosnim iglama. Obrežite vatelin da odgovara dimenzijama prednjice.

Preštepajte sve zajedno – paralelnim vodoravnim šavovima, međusobno udaljenima 7 cm.

Maknite sigurnosne igle.

Preštepani dio položite na karirani materijal (stražnju stranu), naličjem na naličje, pa ponovno sve pričvrstite sigurnosnim iglama na desetak mjesta. Obrežite na veličinu sašivenog dijela.

Sad preštepajte okomito, i to tako da sašijete sva 3 sloja (prednjicu, vatelin i stražnju stranu) – ponovno paralelnim šavovima u razmaku od 7 cm.

Da biste zgotovili prekrivač, potrebno je još sašiti traku po rubu.

Od ostatka kariranog materijala režite (ukoso) trake širine 16 cm pa ih spajajte zajedno dok ne dobijete vrpcu dugu 302 cm.

Vrpcu zapeglajte na pola, a zatim vanjske krajeve zapeglajte prema sredini. Tako ćete dobiti preklopljenu vrpcu široku 4 cm.

U nju „utaknite“ rub prekrivača i prošijte po rubu zahvaćajući traku i s gornje i s donje strane prekrivača.

Trakom obrubite cijeli pokrivač.

Od ostataka materijala možete izraditi kocke za bebu ili brod-jastučić.


As with any patchwork project, it is important to select those patterns that go nicely with one another. You can start by choosing “like” colours (e.g., blue, green and yellow) or, like I did, opt for the intense colours of pink, yellow, red, and purple.

Should you wish to have the baby’s name written on the quilt (like I did), make the embroidery on the piece of panama fabric. Sew the 10.5×5.5-cm fabric pieces to the top and bottom of the name-tag rectangle, thus making the central square. If you want to skip the name, use a 21×21-cm piece of fabric with a pattern.

What you need:

100×140 cm plaid cotton fabric – for the reverse side and the strips cut at an angle
1 m wadding fabric (to stuff the quilt)
16 11×11-cm squares of cotton fabric with various patterns (search your home for left-overs) – marked A on the drawing
4 21×21-cm sqares of cotton fabric with various patterns – marked B on the drawing
2 16×61-cm pieces of floral-pattern cotton fabric – marked D on the drawing

safety pins

For the centrepiece (with the baby’s name):
1 21×11-cm piece of panama fabric
embroidery threads
2 10.5×5.5-cm pieces of cotton fabric with a pattern – marked C on the drawing
1 21×21 piece of cotton fabric with a pattern

Arrange all the pieces of fabric on a flat surface, as they best fit one another. Place the 4 large pieces in the corners and arrange the small ones in between. (see the drawing)
Place the name-tag and its border (or the additional piece of fabric) in the centre.
When the patchwork pleases your eye, start sewing.
First sew 1 side of 2 adjacent small squares one after another. You will get 8 10×20-cm rectangles. Now sew one of them with the adjacent one along the long side, thus getting a 20×20-cm square. The 16 small squares will thus become 4 large ones.
Sew one of them between two 21×21-cm squares (marked B) to get the top string. Repeat with the bottom string.
Sew the name-tag square between the remaining two 4-piece squares.
Thus, you will have 3 strings which you need to sew together along the long sides.
Sew the 2 pieces of 16×61-cm floral-pattern fabric (marked D) to the bottom & top of the front side of the quilt.
Iron the seams.
Place the finished front side over the wadding fabric and secure at 10 or so places with safety pins. Cut out the excess wadding fabric to match the size of the quilt.
Sew together by making parallel, horizontal stiches 7 cm apart.
Remove the safety pins.
Place the piece of the plaid fabric (face-side down) on a flat surface. Place the prepared quilt on top and secure with safety pins at 10 or so places. Cut the plaid fabric to match the size of the quilt.
Sew the 3 layers (the front, wadding and plaid layer) together by making parallel vertical stiches, 7 cm apart.
To finish the quilt, you need to sew the edge.
Cut 16-cm wide diagonal strips from the remaining plaid fabric. Sew them together to get a 302-cm long strip.
Fold lengthwise and iron. Fold the outer ends inwards and iron to get a 4-cm wide folded strip.
“Tuck” the quilt’s rim in the folded strip and sew along the rim to secure the strip on both the front and back sides.

Use the remaining fabric to make baby blocks or a boat-pillow.