Potrebno je:

1 staklena boca ili posuda
komadići mozaika (nabavite u hobby trgovinama)
silikon u tubi
masa za fugiranje ili gips
kontur pasta – po želji


Komadiće mozaika silikonom lijepite na bocu. Između komadića neka bude 2 – 3 mm razmaka.
Kombinirajte boje i oblike prema želji.
Kad ste oblijepili cijelu bocu, ostavite da se silikon osuši – najbolje preko noći.
Masu za fugiranje ili gips izmiješajte s vodom prema uputstvu na pakiranju (obično 1/3 vode na 2/3 praha). Promiješajte da nema grudica pa rukama (u rukavicama) nanesite smjesu po vazi. Pazite da popuni sve praznine.
Pričekajte desetak minuta da se gips počne stiskati, a potom, lagano navlaženom krpom, s mozaika skinite višak gipsa.
Ostavite 2 sata da se gips stisne.
Po potrebi rubove iscrtajte kontur pastom. Kad se kontur pasta osuši, vaza je spremna za upotrebu!


What you need:

1 glass bottle or container
mosaic pieces (available at hobby stores)
a silicon tube
grout mix or plaster
contour paste – optional

Use the silicone to glue the pieces of mosaic to the bottle, leaving 2-3 mm space among them.
Combine the shapes and colours to your liking.
Once glued, allow to dry – preferably, over night.
Mix the grout or plaster with water, following the instructions (usually, 1/3 water to 2/3 powder), until there are no lumps left. Wearing the gloves, apply the mixture all over the vase, making sure you’ve filled in all the gaps.
Wait for about 10 minutes for the mixture to start hardening and then carefully remove any access mixture from the mosaic using a dump cloth.
Leave for 2 hours for the mixture to harden.
Line the edges with the contour paste (optional).

When dry, your vase is ready for use!