Trebat će vam:

2 letvice (35 – 40 cm duljine)
filc u boji (bijeli, sivi, oker i smeđi)
komad srebrnog lamea
ukrasne vrpce
vatelin za punjenje
konac (u boji filca) i igla za vezenje
5 drvenih perli – po želji


Prvo na letvicama izbušite rupice dovoljno velike da provučete ukrasnu vrpcu. Rupice izbušite točno na sredini svake letvice i 2 cm od svakog kraja.

Na papiru nacrtajte zvjezdice različitih veličina, oblak i mjesec pa prema tim predlošcima izrežite oblike iz filca i lamea. Imajte na umu da za svaku figuru morate izrezati 2 jednaka dijela (prednjicu i stražnjicu).

Koncem odgovarajuće boje sašijte prednji i zadnji dio gotovo do kraja. Kroz nesašiveni otvor napunite figure vatelinom (zvijezdama olovkom ili štapićem vatelin nagurajte i u krakove) pa zašijte otvor.

Kad su sve figure gotove, odredite im raspored: mjesec stavite u sredinu, a ostalo rasporedite na 4 kraja mobila. Pazite da figure na nasuprotnim stranama budu otprilike jednake veličine.

Sad ih još morate spojiti ukrasnom vrpcom. Režite komade ukrasne vrpce i sašijte ih na figure, povezujući one koje će visjeti na istom kraku mobila.

Najduže komade vrpce prišijte na gornju stranu najviše figure u svakom nizu i na mjesec.

Pedalj iznad mjeseca na vrpci zavežite čvor pa vrpcu provucite kroz rupice u sredini obje letvice (čvor će ostati ispod njih).

(Vrpcu ćete lako provući kroz rupice ako kraj vrpce čvrsto omotate komadićem selotejpa.)

Ako želite, dodajte drvenu perlicu s gornje strane i zavežite čvrsti čvor tik uz nju. Na slobodnom kraju vrpce napravite omču (na kojoj će mobil visjeti).

Gornji kraj ukrasne vrpce svakog niza figura provucite kroz rupu na kraju letvice. Ako želite, dodajte i pericu. Kad ste provukli vrpcu, zavežite lagani čvor (lagani, jer će možda morati prilagodit duljinu svakog niza da vam mobil ne bi visio na jednu stranu).

Kad ste zadovoljni izgledom mobila, zategnite čvorove.


What you need:

2 battens (35-40 cm long)
felt (in various colours: white, grey, cream and brown)
a piece of silver lamé
wadding fabric
thread (to match the colours of the felt) and an embroidery needle
5 wooden beads (optional)

Drill 3 holes in each batten, large enough for threading the ribbons. One hole should be right in the centre of the batten and the other two 2 cm from each end.

Draw stars of various sizes, a cloud and the moon on a piece of paper. Use the templates to cut the felt and lamé. You will need 2 equal pieces for each shape (the front and the back side).

Use thread of the same colour to sew the front and the back side together, leaving an opening. Stuff with the wadding fabric through the opening (use a pencil to help you stuff the star points) and sew the opening.

Once all the figures are done, arrange them to your liking: place the moon in the centre, and the others at the 4 ends of the mobile. Make sure that the figures at the opposite ends are of the same size.
To connect them with the ribbons, cut the ribbons and sew them to the figures, connecting those that will hang at opposite ends of the mobile.

Sew the longest pieces of ribbon to the upper side of the highest figure of each row and to the moon.

Tie the ribbon in a knot about 25 cm above the moon and thread through the central hole of both battens (the knot will be below them).

(To thread the ribbon easily, “point” the end using scotch tape.)

Add a wooden ribbon on the top side and tie a tight knot right next to it (optional). Make a loop on the free end of the ribbon to hang the mobile.

Thread the top end of each ribbon through the hole at one end of each button and tie a light knot (don’t make it tight, as you might have to adjust the length of the ribbons to get the mobile into balance).
Once pleased with your mobile, tighten the knots.


