Na internetu sam prije puno godina vidjela ovakvo kućno kazalište. Kad je moja nećakinja poželjela imati vlastito kazalište, sjetila sam se te fotografije i napravila slično po sjećanju.
Lako ga je instalirati na svaki dovratak. Potrebna su vam samo 2 čavlića koja ćete zakucati u dovratak i na njih objesiti kazalište.
S obzirom da je jednostavno postavljanje, ovo je kazalište i prenosivo. Spremno je putovati kamo god glavni glumac odlučio ići!

Potrebno je:

92 x 152 cm žutice ili drugog čvršćeg jednobojnog platna
100 x 50 cm tkanine s uzorkom (za zastor)
320 cm šire kose trake (s uzorkom)
igla i konac
boja za tkaninu, kist – po želji
2 čavlića


Obrubite komad žutice sa svih strana rubom od 1 cm.
Prema dimenzijama na shemi iscrtajte pravokutnik pa ga pažljivo izrežite. Otvor će biti „prozor“ vaše pozornice.
Izrežite 200 cm kose trake pa njome obrubite sve rubove izrezanog „prozora“.
Iz tkanine s uzorkom izrežite 2 jednaka komada (50 x 50 cm) pa ih obrubite cik-cak šavom sa svih strana.
Naberite svaki od kvadrata s jedne strane.
/Najravnomjernije ćete ih nabrati ručno, uz pomoć igle i konca:
Udjenite konac (dulji od 55 cm) u iglu pa uz gornji rub jednog kvadrata prošijte ručno šav širok ½ cm . Kad dođete do kraja, izvadite iglu, a ostavite ostatak konca da visi.
U iglu udjenite novi komad konca (bar 55 cm dug) pa prošijte odmah ispod maloprije prošivenog šava, ubodima širokima ½ cm pazeći da iglom ubadate ispod polovice postojećeg šava. Kad dođete do kraja, izvucite iglu, a konac ostavite.
Sad povucite krajeve konaca i naberite tkaninu. Izmjerite 27 cm pa zavežite konac na kraju u čvor.
Ponovite s drugim komadom./
Pribadačama pričvrstite nabrane rubove zastora uz gornji rub naličja „prozora“ tako da se u sredini preklapaju barem ½ cm.
Prošijte mašinom paralelno s gornjim rubom otvora.
Preostalu kosu traku zapeglajte po dužini i prošijte duž otvorenog ruba. Odrežite 2 komada duga 10 cm.
Svaki preklopite na pola da oblikujete omču pa ih prišijte u gornje kuteve (lijevi i desni) kazališta.

Tim ćete omčama kazalište objesiti na čavliće na dovratku.
Preostalu vrpcu prerežite na pola, da dobijete 2 trake duge 50 cm.
To će biti vezice kojima ćete vezati vaš zastor tijekom predstave.
Označite polovicu trake (25 cm) pa je pribadačom, pričvrstite na naličje lijevog ruba „prozora“, 25 cm od gornjeg ruba. Prišijte je kratkim okomitim šavom.
Drugu traku na isti način prišijte uz desni rub.
Želite li, bojama za tekstil, ispod otvora, ispišite ime kazališta.

Uz ovo kazalište izradite i lutke od kuhača i predstava može početi!


Years ago I saw a photograph of a similar home theatre on the web. When my niece said she wished she had her own theatre, I remembered the photo and made her a similar theatre.
It is easily installed on any doorframe. It only takes hammering 2 nails and hanging the theatre on them.
Since it is so easily mounted, it is also easily transported and ready to travel wherever the star wishes to go.

What you need:

36×61 inch of strong fabric, without a pattern
40×20 inch fabric with a pattern (for the curtain)
127 inch of wide bias cut strip of fabric with a pattern
a needle and thread
fabric paints and a paintbrush – optional
2 nails

Hem all sides of the strong fabric with a ½ inch seam.
Use the pattern to draw a rectangle. Cut it out carefully to get your “stage window”.
79 inch of the bias cut fabric and hem all sides of the “window”.
Cut the fabric with a pattern into 2 equal, 20×20 inch, pieces. Trim with a zigzag stich seam finish.
Plait one side of each piece.
It will be easiest if you use a needle and a thread:
Take at least a 22 inch long thread. Thread the needle and sew a 0.2 inch wide seam along the top edge of the fabric. Once done, remove the needle and leave the thread to hang.
Take another 22 inch long thread and sew a 0.2 inch seam below the first one, inserting the needle below and between the two upper stiches. Once done, remove the needle and leave the thread to hang.
Now pull the ends of the threads, thus plating the fabric. Make it 11 inch wide and tie each thread into a knot.
Repeat with the other piece of curtain fabric.
Pin the plaited ends of the curtain to the back side of the upper hem of the “stage window”, overlapping them by at least a 0.2 inch.
Make a seam parallel with the top hem of the “window”.
Fold and iron the remaining bias cut fabric lengthwise and sew along the open side. Cut 2 pieces, each 4 inch long.
Fold each piece in half and form a loop. Sew to the upper left and right corners of the home theatre so that you can hang it on the doorframe.
Cut the remaining bias cut fabric in half, to get two 20 inch long pieces.
These will be used to tie the curtain during a show.
Mark the centre of one piece (10 inch) and pin it to the back side of the left edge of the window, (10 inch) from the top. Sew with a short, vertical seam.
Repeat with the other piece, on the right edge.
Use fabric colours to write the theatre name below the stage window (optional).