Ovakve košare možete sašiti od ostataka materijala, a koristiti ih za spremanje vune, pribora za ručni rad, igračaka… Tako će ono što trebate biti uvijek na svom mjestu.

Potrebno je:

Za tijelo košare:
1 komad čvrste žutice 85 x 50 cm
1 komad tkanine A (za unutrašnjost) 85 x 50 cm
1 okrugli kom čvrste žutice promjera 26,5 cm
1 okrugli kom tkanine A promjera 26,5 cm
flizelin za ojačavanje stranica 85 x 50 cm (po potrebi, ako materijal od kojega izrađujete košaru nije dovoljno čvrst)

Za džepove:
1 komad tkanine B (s uzorkom, za džepove) 85 x 40 cm
1 komad vatelina (za podstavu džepova) 85 x 20 cm

Za ručke:
2 kom žutice 45 x 4 cm
2 kom tkanine A 45 x 4 cm


Komad tkanine B preklopite po dužini (da dobijete komad 85 x 20 cm) i zapeglajte. U njega, kao u sendvič, umetnite vatelin. Pričvrstite pribadačama, a zatim prošijte jedan vodoravni šav uz donji (otvoreni) dio, a zatim još jedan, 2 cm udaljen od gornjeg ruba. (To su budući džepovi s vanjske strane košare.)
Sad treba pripremiti „tijelo“ košare. Ako koristite flizelin, glačalom ga spojite s naličjem žutice.
Pribadačama pričvrstite pripremljeni komad s vatelinom duž duljeg ruba lica žutice, tako da donji rub komada za džepove bude poravnan s donjim rubom žutice.
Sad prošijte okomite šavove. Oni će spojiti tkanine, ali i formirati džepove. Koliko će ih biti i koliko će široki biti – to ovisi o vašim potrebama. (Džep u koji ćete staviti pletaće igle neka bude uži, onaj u kojem će stajati, primjerice, škare – širi.)
Da biste dodali dno, prvo okrugli komad žutice uz pomoć glačala ojačajte flizelinom.
Dio s džepovima preklopite tako da dvije kraće strane budu jedna na drugoj, licem tkanine (i džepovima!) prema unutra, pa prošijte duž te kraće stranice da formirate valjak.
Pribadačama jedan otvor valjka pričvrstite uz rub okruglog komada žutice tako da naličja tkanine budu okrenuta prema van. Prošijte ukrug. (Vaša je košara dobila dno.)
Na jednak način spojite i dijelove tkanine A (samo bez flizelina!). (To je unutrašnjost vaše košare.)
Sad imate 2 dijela košare, okrenuta licem prema unutra. Umetnite jedan u drugi (lice o lice, naličjima prema van).
Još nedostaju ručke. Jedan komad žutice položite na komad tkanine A, licem o lice i prošijte duž duljih stranica.
Ponovite i s preostalim komadima tkanine.
Oba dobivena dijela preokrenite i svaki prošijte duž duljih stranica (½ cm od ruba). To će ojačati ručke i dati im lijep izgled.
Jednu ručku presavijte na pola pa je ugurajte između 2 dijela torbe tako da krajevi ručke vire van. Pričvrstite ih pribadačama.
Ponovite s drugom ručkom. Pazite da je pričvrstite točno nasuprot prve.
Sad sve prošijte šavom uz otvor košare, 1 cm od ruba, ujedno ostavljajući 10 cm nesašiveno.
Kroz taj otvor pažljivo preokrenite košaru tako da stijenka s džepovima bude vani. Poravnajte i unutrašnjost (od tkanine A), a zatim prošijte još jedan šav duž gornjeg ruba, zatvarajući njime i ostavljen otvor kroz koji ste preokrenuli košaru.
Paralelno s tim šavom, prošijte još jedan, 1 cm niže.
Košaru napunite vunom, a u džepove složite pletaće igle i ostale potrepštine.


These baskets can be made out of fabric scraps and used for storing wool, handicraft equipment, toys… and you will always know exactly where to find what you need.

What you need:

For the basket:
85×50 cm piece of strong, unbleached linen
85×50 cm piece of A inside fabric
round piece of strong, unbleached linen, 26,5 cm in diameter
round piece of A fabric, 26,5 cm in diameter
85×50 cm piece of interfacing (optional, recommended in case the linen is not durable enough)

For the pockets:
85×40 cm piece of B fabric with a pattern
85×20 cm piece of wadding (for pocket lining)

For the handles:
2 45×4 cm pieces of unbleached linen
2 45×4 cm pieces of A fabric

Fold the piece of B fabric lengthwise, to make it 85×20 cm large and iron. Place the wadding in the middle, as if making a sandwich. Secure with pins and sew a horizontal seam along the bottom (open) edge. Sew another seam 2 cm from the top edge (these will be the pockets on the outer side of the basket).
To make the basket, first iron the interfacing to the back side of the linen (if needed).
Place the prepared pockets on the piece of linen, aligning the bottom edge with the bottom edge of the linen. Secure with pins.
Sew vertical seams to sew the fabrics together and form pockets. The number and distance of seams depend on your needs (e.g. make them narrow for knitting needles and wider for scissors).
To form the bottom, first iron the round piece of interfacing to the round piece of linen (if needed).
Fold the basket wall to connect the short sides, face side (with the pockets) in. Sew the short sides together to get a cylinder.
Secure the round piece of linen to one of the cylinder openings with pins, face sides in. Sew together to form the basket base.
Repeat with the A pieces of fabric (without interfacing) to get the inside of your basket.
Now you have 2 parts of your basket, each turned face side in. Place into one another, face to face, back side out.
To make the handles, place one piece of the linen on a piece of A fabric, face sides in, and sew the long sides.
Repeat with the other pair of fabric pieces.
Turn both sewn pieces inside out and sew along the long sides, ½ cm from the edge, to make the handles stronger and nicer.
Fold one handle in half and tuck it between the two parts of the basket side wall, leaving the ends sticking out. Secure with pins.
Repeat with the other handle, making sure it is located opposite the other.
Sew together along the basket opening, 1 cm from the edge, leaving a 10 cm opening.
Carefully turn the basket inside out through the opening. The side wall with the pockets will be turned outward. Make sure that the A (inside) fabric fits the basket. Sew another seam along the top edge, closing the opening through which you turned the basket inside out.
Sew another seam parallel to the previous one, 1 cm lower.
Fill the basket with wool and place your knitting needles and other utensils into the pockets.