Potrebno je:

A materijal   36 x 23 cm

B  materijal   40 x 20 cm

C  materijal  40 x 30 cm

Vatelin  (materijal za punjenje)


Isprintajte crtež i po njemu iskrojite dijelove.

Iz materijala A iskrojite 2 puta jedro A.

Iz materijala B iskrojite 2 puta jedro B.

Materijal C preklopite da dobijete pravokutnik 20 x 30 pa iskrojite dno broda C i to tako da označenu stranu prislonite na preklop tkanine.

Jedan komad A prišijte uz komad B da dobijete jedra.

Ponovite s drugim A i B komadima.

Sad jedra prišijte uz gornji rub dna broda da formirate brod.

Raspeglajte šavove.

Preklopite tkaninu da bude licem o lice pa sašijte duž vanjskog ruba, ostavljajući 3 – 4 cm nesašivenog. Kroz taj ćete otvor napuniti jastuk.

Izvrnite tkaninu licem van pa ponovno raspeglajte spojeve. Uskim šavom opšijte suž vanjskog ruba pazeći da otvor ostane nesašiven.

Napunite jastuk pa zašijte otvor.


Ako želite, dodajte zastavicu na vrhu. Napravit ćete je jednostavno ako komad kose trake (2 cm) presavijete pa krajevima zašijete na vrh jedara.


What you need:

1 (A) 36×23-cm piece of fabric
1 (B) 40×20-cm piece of fabric
1 (C) 40×30-cm piece of fabric

pillow stuffing


Print out the drawing and use the templates to tailor the boat parts.
Cut the fabric marked A to get two A-sails.
Cut the fabric marked B to get two B-sails.
Fold the fabric marked C to get a 20×30-cm rectangle. Place template C on it so that the marked side goes along the fold. Cut along the remaining three sides.

Sew one A-sail to one B-sail along one side.
Repeat with the other A- and B-sails.
Sew each pair of sails to one side of the C-hull.
Iron the seams.
Fold (“right” sides facing one another) and sew along the outer rim, leaving a 3-4-cm opening.
Turn over through the opening and iron. Use a narrow seam to sew the entire outer rim, except for the opening.
Stuff the pillow and sew the opening.


You can also add a flag by folding a 2-cm long strip cut at an angle and sewing it to the top of the sails.