Potrebno je:

drveni podložak ili daska (podloške s fotografije sam nabavila u  za 8 kuna!)
olovka i gumica
lemilica za drvo (pirograf)


Na podlošku olovkom iscrtajte motiv.
Lemilicu zagrijte pa prvo ugravirajte tanke crte. Ponovite po istom mjestu dok ne budete zadovoljni debljinom i bojom linije.
Kad završite s graviranjem, gumicom obrišite ostatke olovke.
Kad ste zadovoljni izgledom podloška, skuhajte kavu i pozovite prijatelje da se dive vašoj rukotvorini. 🙂


wooden coasters or a board
a pencil and an eraser
a wood burning (pyrography) tool kit

Use a pencil to write or draw the message of your choice on the board.
Use the heated burning pen to carefully burn (trace) thin lines. Repeat until the lines are thick and coloured to your liking.
Once done, erase the pencil lines.
When you are satisfied with the way your coasters look, invite friends over for a cup of coffee and let them admire your handicraft. 🙂