Udahnite novi život starom stolcu i osvježite svoj dom novim bojama

Potrebno je:

1 stolac
1 komad spužve veličine stolca, 4 cm debljine
1 komad običnog platna (žutice)
1 komad dekorativnog platna
1.60 m debljeg konopca
tapetarska klamerica

Spužvu izrežite da bude 1 cm manja od površine stolca.
Izrežite traku žutice široku 5 cm, dugu 170 cm, prepolovite je po duljini pa u sredinu, kao u sendvič, stavite konop. Polegnite je uz rubove stolca, tako da konop bude na vanjskom rubu, a ostatak materijala prema unutra. Pričvrstite klamericom duž svih rubova. Odrežite višak na kraju.
U tako pripremljeni rub stavite spužvu. Trebala bi lijepo sjesti.
Prekrijte je žuticom, a onda, lagano zatežući po površini, navucite platno preko rubova. Na svakoj ga strani pri tome pričvrstite čavlićima. Čavliće zakucajte samo malo – poslije ćete ih izvaditi.
Kad ste zadovoljni izgledom, materijal pričvrstite klamericom s bočnih strana.
Maknite čavliće i odrežite višak materijala.
Sad stolac prekrijte dekorativnom tkaninom. Nategnite je na isti način – lagano zatežući prema rubu i pričvršćujući čavlićima. Kad ste zadovoljni, preokrenite stolac naglavačke pa dekorativnu tkaninu klamericom učvrstite s donje strane sjedišta. Pazite da podvijte rub tkanine –da dobijete uredan kraj.
Stolac je gotov!


Breathe new life into your old chair and refresh your home with new colours

What you need:

1 chair
1 piece of sponge the size of the seat, 4 cm thick
1 piece of strong unbleached linen
1 piece of decorative fabric
1.6 m long strong rope
a hammer
upholstery staple gun

Cut the sponge to a size 1 cm smaller on all sides than the seat of your chair.
Cut a 5 cm wide and 170 long string of unbleached fabric. Fold lengthwise and insert the rope. Place along the rim of the seat, with the rope facing outside and the rest of the fabric facing inside. Fix with a staple gun along the edges. Cut off the excess ends.
Insert the sponge – it should fit nicely.
Cover with a piece of unbleached linen and, carefully stretching, pull the fabric over the edges. Nail on all sides lightly, as you will pull out the nails later.
Once it looks right and tight, fix to the sides using a staple gun.
Remove the nails and cut off any excess fabric.
Cover with the decorative fabric, stretching it toward the edges and fixing with nails. When nicely tight, turn the chair upside down and fix the fabric using the staple gun to the bottom of the seat, folding the ham so it looks neat.
And your chair is now upholstered!