Potrebno je:

1 komad tkanine s uzorkom 50 x 12 cm
1 komad tkanine s uzorkom 20 x 3 cm
1 komad vodonepropusne tkanine 50 x 12 cm
1 dugme
3 cm čičak trake


Veći komad tkanine s uzorkom položite na vodonepropusnu tkaninu, licem o lice. Uz rub, usko prošijte, ostavljajući samo 3 cm – otvor kroz koji ćete preokrenuti tkaninu.
Kad ste preokrenuli, zapeglajte, pa prošijte duž svih stranica uskim šavom. (Tako ćete zatvoriti i preostali otvor.)
Na jednom kraju tkanine s uzorkom (tamo gdje će biti otvor za umetanje četkice i paste)  označite mjesto za čičak traku: 4 cm od gornjeg ruba i otprilike 4 cm sa svake strane. Jedan dio čičak trake pričvrstite pribadačom pa sašijte.
Presavijte (tkanina s uzorkom neka bude vani) tako da preklopljeni dio bude 19 cm dug. Pripazite da strana s našivenim čičkom bude dobro namještena – to će biti otvor u koji ćete umetati četkicu i pastu.
Presavinuti dio sašijte za podlogu uskim šavovima duž duljih stranica.
Od preostalog komada tkanine s uzorkom (20 x 3 cm) napravite traku: preklopite je da dobijete traku 20 x 1,5 cm (naličjem prema van) pa prošijte uz dulji rub. Preokrenite, zapeglajte i prerežite na 2 nejednaka dijela. Jedan nek’ bude dug 12 cm, a drugi 8 cm. Duž svakog od njih prošijte dva ukrasna šava uz rubove, hvatajući pritom i kraće stranice (da budu lijepo završene).
Na jednu stranu kraćeg komada sašijte drugi dio čičak trake.
Polegnite ga na etui da čičak dođe na čičak.
Preklopite gornju stranu etuia i pribadačom pričvrstite traku s čičkom. (Tako ćete odrediti na kojoj će se visini zatvarati vaš etui. Imajte pritom na umu i volumen tube paste i četkice za zube!)
Kad ste odredili visinu, otklopite pa na mjesto spoja trake s čičkom i preklopa, vodoravno sašijte dulju traku (tako da uhvatite i traku s čičkom i poklopac).
Na kraju, na prednju stranu trake s čičkom sašijte ukrasno dugme.


What you need:

1 50×12 cm piece of fabric with a pattern
1 20×3 cm piece of fabric with a pattern
1 50×12 cm piece of waterproof fabric
1 button
3 cm velcro strap

Place the larger piece of fabric with a pattern on top of the waterproof fabric, face to face. Sew a narrow seam along the edge, leaving a 3-cm opening.
Turn inside out through the opening, iron and sew along all sides with a narrow seam, closing the opening.
Mark a place for the velcro strap (at the end at which the toothbrush and toothpaste will be inserted) – 4 cm from the top edge and 4 cm from each side of the fabric with a pattern. Secure one component of the strap with a pin and sew.
Make a 19-cm fold, keeping the fabric with the pattern on the outer side. Make sure that the side with the sewn velcro strap is placed correctly – there you’ll have the opening for inserting the toothbrush and the toothpaste.
Sew the folded part to the base using a narrow stitch along the long sides.
Use the other, 20×3 cm piece of fabric with a pattern to make a ribbon: fold it to get a 20×1.5 cm strip (face side in) and sew along the long side. Turn inside out, iron and cut into a 12- and an 8-cm long piece. Sew decorative stitches along the sides of each piece, including the short sides (thus finishing them nicely).
Sew the other component of the velcro strap to one side of the shorter ribbon.
Place on top of the etui, connecting the components of the velcro strap.
Fold the top part of the etui and secure the velcro strap with a pin. (Doing this will determine the length of your etui when closed. Keep in mind the size of your toothbrush and toothpaste!)
Unfold and sew the longer (12 cm) ribbon) to where the velcro and the fold connect (sewing both the velcro and the fold).
Finally, sew a decorative button to the front side of the velcro strip.