Stvorite toplu atmosferu u svojem domu uz lampaše s motivima zaleđenog gradića…

Potrebno je:

1 staklenka (1 l ili veća)
crni flomaster za staklo
crna akrilna boja
kontur pasta za staklo (bez pečenja), sedefasto siva ili tamno plava
umjetni snijeg u spreju
svijeća ili led žaruljice (na baterije)


Staklenku dobro operite i osušite.
S vanjske strane iscrtajte konture kuća, nebodera, borova, parkova… (Ako niste vješti crtanju direktno na staklo, motiv nacrtajte prvo na papir, pa ga zalijepite s unutrašnje strane staklenke. Zatim po tom predlošku crtajte izvana.)
Iscrtane motive ispunite bojom (flomasterom ili akrilnom), ali tako da prozore kuća, vrata i sl. ostavite neobojanima.
Kad ste zadovoljni crtežom, ostavite da se boja osuši (30-ak minuta).

Sad kontur pastom obrubite motive. (Taj dio možete i preskočiti, ali taj rub iscrtan konturom daje ljepši, trodimenzionalni izgled cijelom dizajnu.)
Ponovno pričekajte 20-ak minuta da se kontura osuši.

Kad je crtež suh, izdaleka pošpricajte vrh staklenke umjetnim snijegom. (Pazite da ne pretjerate i ne prekrijete cijeli crtež!)

Kad je snijeg suh, od žice napravite ručkicu i učvrstite je oko gornjeg ruba staklenke.
U staklenku stavite svijeću ili led lampice i uživajte u zimskoj idili.


Create the warm atmosphere of your home with lanterns designed after a frozen city…

What you need:

1 jar (1 l in volume or larger)
black glass marker
black acrylic paint
glass contour paste (without baking), pearly gray or dark blue
artificial snow spray
a piece of wire
a candle or small, battery-powered LEDs

Wash the jar thoroughly and dry well.
Contour houses, buildings, pine trees, parks… on the outer side of the jar (If you are not comfortable drawing directly on a jar, make your drawing on paper first, place it inside the jar and use as a template for drawing on the outer side of the jar.)
Apply paint (marker or acrylic) within the contoured drawings, leaving the doors and windows clear.
When done, leave the paint to dry (about 30 minutes).
Use the contour paste to highlight the edges. (You can skip this step, but the edges so defined will produce a nicer, 3D look of your design.)
Leave to dry again for about 20 minutes.
Spray the top part of the jar with artificial snow. (Do not get too enthusiastic as you do not want the snow to cover your entire artwork!)
When the snow is dry, use a piece of wire to make a small handle and fix it around the upper rim of the jar.
Place a candle (or LEDs) inside the jar and enjoy a winter wonderland.