Potrebno je:

50 x 50 cm crnog pliša
30 x 50 cm sivog satena
30 x 50 cm čvrstog platna
30 x 50 cm flizelina
1 zatvarač (s kristalima) duljine 25 cm
nekoliko pera – po želji
1 sigurnosna kopča (ziherica)


Glačalom flizelin nalijepite na stražnju stranu satena.

Iz pliša, prema šabloni, ali ostavljajući 1 cm ruba sa svih strana, izrežite 2 komada.

Na isti način izrežite i po 2 komada iz satena (s flizelinom) i čvrstog platna.

1 komad satena i 1 komad čvrstog platna spojite pribadačama. Opšijte ih usko uz rub, a zatim rub prošijte cik-cak bodom.

Isto ponovite i s drugim komadom satena i drugim komadom čvrstog platna.

Od preostalog pliša izrežite komad 8 x 18 cm, presavijte ga na pola (duljom stranicom, naličjem van) i prošijte uz rub.
Preokrenite. Dobili ste „tuljac“. Izglačajte ga lagano pa ga pribadačama primite uz gornji i donji rub jednog komada pliša. (To će biti ukras na prednjici.)

Prošijte usko uz rub.

Patent zatvarač polegnite na podlogu, vanjskom stranom prema gore. Na njega položite komad pliša pazeći da je tkanina poravnana s gornjim rubom zatvarača i okrenuta licem prema dolje. Pričvrstite pribadačom.
Sad cijeli komad položite na saten koji je licem okrenut prema gore (čvrsto platno bit će na podlozi). Poravnajte uz dulji gornji rub i sva tri sloja učvrstite pribadačama.

Prošijte šav duž gornjeg ruba, paralelno sa zupcima zatvarača.

Ponovite postupak i s druge strane zatvarača s preostala 2 komada (pliša i satena).

Otvorite zatvarač! To je važan korak koji će vam omogućiti da poslije preokrenete torbu, zato ga ne zaboravite!

Sad prislonite lice o lice pliša i proštepajte duž vanjskog ruba.

Isto ponovite i sa satenom. Saten nek bude na satenu, a čvrsto platno prema van. Prošijte uz rub, ali ostavite otvor od 5 cm.

Kroz otvor preokrenite torbu, a zatim i kroz patent zatvarač.

Zašijte otvor na satenu.

Ugurajte satenski dio u torbu i zatvorite zatvarač.

Sad još samo trebate trakicu kojom ćete ukras na prednjici stisnuti u mašnu. Možete koristiti kupljenu baršunastu traku ili je napraviti od ostataka pliša. Kad trakom omotate ukras na prednjici, sašijte ga (strojem ili ručno) pa šav okrenite ispod ukrasne trake.

Ako želite, napravite i ukras od perja.

Spojite nekoliko pera zajedno, omotajte ih čvrsto crnom kosom trakom i zalijepite ljepilom kraj trake. Na traku pričvrstite sigurnosnu iglu pa njome ukras zakačite ispod plišane trake na prednjici torbe.


What you need:

50×50 cm black plush
30×50 cm grey satin
30×50 cm strong fabric
30×50 cm interfacing fabric
1 zipper (with crystals), 25 cm long
several feathers (optional)
1 safety pin

Iron (to glue) the interfacing fabric to the back side of the satin.
Use the template to cut two pieces from the plush, leaving 1 cm rim on all sides.
Repeat with the satin (with interfacing) and the strong fabric.
Join 1 piece of the satin and 1 piece of the strong fabric using pins. Sew using a narrow stitch and finish the edges with a zigzag stitch seam finish.
Repeat with the second pieces of the satin and the strong fabric.
Cut an 8×18 cm piece from the remaining plush. Fold in half lengthwise, face side in, and sew along the edge.
Turn inside out. Iron the “tube” gently and pin it to the bottom and top part of one piece of the plush. This will be a decoration on the front side.
Sew using a narrow stitch along the rim.

Place the zipper on a hard surface, top side up. Cover with one piece of the plush, face down, aligning the fabric with the top rim of the zipper. Secure with pins.
Place on top of a (face up) piece of the satin (the strong fabric will be on the surface). Align along the longer top rim and secure all three layers with pins.
Sew along the top rim, parallel with the zipper teeth.
Repeat sewing the other pair of (plush and satin) fabric pieces on the other side of the zipper.
Open the zipper! This is an important step, as you will need to turn the miniaudiere inside out later on.
Place the two pieces of plush one on top of the other, face-to-face. Sew the outer rim.
Repeat with the satin, the satin pieces facing one another and the strong fabric being on the outer side, leaving a 5 cm opening.
Turn the miniaudiere inside out and then again through the zipper.
Sew the satin opening.
Push the satin fabric inside the miniaudiere and close the zipper.

The last thing you need is a ribbon with which you can tie the decoration on the front into a bow. You can buy a velvet ribbon or make one from the leftover plush. Once you wrap the decoration, sew it (by hand or machine) and turn the seam under the decorative ribbon.

Option: Make a feather decoration. Take several feathers, wrap them tight with a black bias cut fabric and glue next to the ribbon. Insert a safety needle through the ribbon and secure the decoration below the plush ribbon on the front of the miniaudiere.