Ponekad nam samo inspiracije nedostaje… Evo kako će, uz malo vremena i truda,  vaš  blagdanski stol zasjati u novom ruhu.

Ja sam koristila srebrnu tkaninu, ali vi odaberite boju i dezen koji odgovaraju vašem domu.

Potrebno je:

Fina, čvršća tkanina 150 x 50 cm

4 m svilene kose trake odgovarajuće boje


Traku pribadačama pričvrstite po rubu tkanine(ako vam je lakše, prvo je zapeglajte na polovicu), a

zatim prošijte šivaćim strojem.  Izglačajte i priredite blagdansku stol .

Ako nadstolnjak darujete, uzmite 1,5 m više svilene trake, pa njome povežite preklopljeni nadstolnjak i zavežite mašnu.


Investing a little time and effort will make your Christmas table shine anew.
I chose silver fabric, but you can match the fabric to the colours and designs of your home.

a 150×50 cm piece of fine, strong fabric
4 m silk strips (cut at an angle) of a matching colour

Pin the silk strips to the fabric’s rim. (It might be easier if you fold it in half and iron first.) Sew using a machine and iron. Decorate your festive table.
If you want to give it as a present, take another 1.5 m long silk strip (cut at an angle) fold or roll the runner and tie it with a ribbon.