Bilo je jedno divno, veselo vjenčanje. I neka mokra vremenska prognoza. Kišobrani su se nametnuli sami od sebe. Lijep dar i lijep podsjetnik na najvažniji dan u životu.

Potrebno je:

1 tamnoplavi/crni kišobran

1 bijeli kišobran

zlatna i srebrna akrilna boja

bijela i crvena akrilna boja

Contour liner u tubici – srebrna, zlatna, perla + glow(neon)

Gocce di perla (boja koja se oblikuje u kuglice, poput bisera)


Prvo na papiru skicirajte dizajn.

Ja sam odlučila napisati Mr. (na tamnom) i Mrs. (na bijelom kišobranu). Umjesto točke sam dodala crveno srce.

Zlatnom sam konturom ukrug iscrtala vrh bijelog kišobrana, pa mu dodala srebrne točkice.

Sa stražnje sam strane, na oba kišobrana napisala mjesto i datum vjenčanja.

Mladenkin sam kišobran na kraju ukrasila „biserima“ boje.

Na tamnom sam kišobranu sa stražnje strane napisala „Just married“ – prvo mješavinom bijele i srebrne boje, a zatim sam natpis obrubila neonskim  contour linerom – kako bi i u mraku bio vidljiv.

Otvorene  sam kišobrane ostavila da se osuše preko noći.

Kad se crteži napravljeni akrilnom bojom potpuno osuše, slobodno kišobrane možete iznijeti na kišu.


There was to be a beautiful, merry wedding. And the weather forecast said it would rain. Hence – the need for umbrellas was only logical. A lovely gift and a nice reminder of the most important day in one’s life.

What you need:

1 dark blue or black umbrella
1 white umbrella
gold and silver acrylic paints
white and red acrylic paints
contour liner tubes – silver, gold, pearl and neon
gocce di perla (paint that forms pearl drops)
a brush

Sketch your design on paper.
I decided to write “Mr.” on the dark umbrella and “Mrs.” on the white one, drawing red hearts in place of the full stops.
I used the gold contour to decorate the top of the white umbrella and added silver drops.
I wrote the wedding date and place on the opposite side of the Mr./Mrs. inscription.
Finally, I decorated the bride’s umbrella with pearl drops of paint.
I also wrote “Just married” on the dark umbrella by first using a combination of the white and silver paint and then applying the neon contour liner – to make it glow in the dark.
I left the umbrellas open to dry overnight.
Once the acrylic paint is completely dry, you can take your umbrella out in the rain.