Već godinama pisanice bojimo prirodnim bojama. Najčešće ljuskama crvenog luka.

Ove smo godine jaja obojili ljubičastim kupusom.

Potrebno je:

1 manja glavica ljubičastog kupusa

1 žlica alkoholnog octa

3 l vode

10 tvrdo kuhanih jaja

1 žlica ulja


Kupus narežite na rezance i stavite kuhati u lonac s vodom. Kuhajte 15-ak minuta da pusti boju pa maknite s vatre. Dodajte ocat i pažljivo među kupus složite vruća, kuhana jaja. Nek ih tekućina potpuno prekrije.

Ostavite preko noći.

Obojana jaja izvadite iz lonca, prebrišite  i premažite komadićem meke tkanine natopljene uljem.


For years now we have been using natural colouring to dye Easter eggs. Most often we use onion skins.
This year we tried red cabbage.



1 small red cabbage
1 tbsp white vinegar
3 l water
10 hard-boiled eggs
1 tbsp oil




Slice the cabbage and cook  in a pot of water for about 15 minutes, until the water is coloured. Remove from heat, add the vinegar and carefully place the hot hard-boiled eggs among the cabbage slices, making sure they are submerged in the water completely.

Leave overnight.

Remove the eggs from the pot, wipe them and grease with a soft cloth soaked in oil.