U noći vještica ukrasite svoje domove ovim lanternama u čiju će se izradu rado uključiti i mališani.

Lanterne možete objesiti na granu u vrtu, staviti pred ulazna vrata ili na prozor, a mogu vam i osvjetliti put  kad krenete u potragu za slatkišima.

Potrebno je:


papirnate salvete s prigodnim motivom


ljepilo za salvete (npr. Art potch) ili bijelo ljepilo za drvo


svijeća u metalnoj čašici


Staklenku premažite tankim slojem ljepila. (Ako koristite ljepilo za drvo, razblažite ga s malo vode).  Odvojite prvi (najgornji) sloj salvete pa izrežite komade koji odgovaraju visini staklenke. Lagano prislonite na namazano ljepilo i poravnajte prstima.

Oblijepite cijelu staklenku. Ostavite da se ljepilo osuši (bar 30 min), a zatim cijelu staklenku još jednom premažite. Taj će sloj učvrstiti salvetu i dati joj lagani dojam lakirane površine. Ostavite da se potpuno osuši.

Ako želite, od žice napravite ručkicu da lanernu možete objesiti ili nositi u ruci.

Na kraju umetnite svjećicu.

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Decorate your homes for Halloween with these lanterns that children will enjoy making.
You can leave them hanging from a branch in your garden, by the front door, or in a window, or take them with you to light your path when searching for candy.

What you need:

a glass jar
paper napkins with a design of your choice
a brush
decoupage glue (e.g. Art Potch) or white wood glue
a candle in metal cup


Apply a thin layer of glue on the jar. (If you use the wood glue, dilute it with a small amount of water.)

Separate the top layer of the paper napkin from the rest. Cut out the design in the size that matches the size of the jar. Press lightly on the surface of the jar and use your fingertips to straighten it out.
When the entire jar is decorated, leave to dry (for at least 30 minutes).

Apply another layer of glue over the entire surface, thus fixing the paper napkin and making it look varnished. Leave to dry thoroughly.
You can make a wire handle to hang or carry the lantern.
Place a candle inside and – enjoy the light!

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