Kalendar koji će vašoj djeci pomoći da im vrijeme do Božića brže prođe, napravite sami – reciklirajući.

Potrebno je:

24 rolice (tube) wc papira (ili 8 tuba ubrusa za ruke, prerezanih na 3 dijela)

Ukrasni papir za zamatanje

8 m ukrasnog  konopca


1 dugačka grana (ja sam koristila stari trs)

Papirići s brojevima (1-24)

Bomboni, čokoladice ili sitne igračke

Svileni papir (tanki papir za umatanje)



Iz ukrasnog papira izrežite 24 pravokutnika 16 x 20 cm.

Rolicu položite na sredinu izrezanog papira , paralelno s duljom stranicom pravokutnika.  S gornje i donje strane rolice trebalo bi ostati po 5 cm papira.

Papir čvrsto omotajte oko rolice i zalijepite selotjepom.

Uspravite omotanu rolu pa donji dio papira pažljivo preklopite prema unutra da njime stvorite dno rolice. Zalijepite selotejpom.

U rolicu s gornje strane ubacite malo svilenog papira i čokoladicu ili igračku.

Gornji otvor zatvorite (zavežite) konopcem.

Na rolicu nalijepite datum .

Kad su sve rolice gotove, objesite ih na granu pa adventskim kalendarom ukrasite zid dječje sobe.


A calendar that will make it easier for your children to wait for Christmas – make it yourself by recycling.

What you need:

24 toilet paper tubes (or 8 paper towel tubes, each cut into 3)
wrapping paper
8 m decorative rope
scotch tape
1 long branch (I used an old vine)
numbered slips of paper (from 1 to 24)
candies, chocolates, small toys…
silk paper (thin wrapping paper)

Cut the decorative paper into 24 rectangles, 16×20 cm each.
Place a tube in the centre of the paper, parallel with the longer side of the rectangle, about 5 cm from the top and bottom parts of the paper.
Wrap the paper tightly around the tube and fix using the scotch tape.
Place vertically and fold the excess paper on the one side to close the bottom opening. Fix using the scotch tape.
Insert a small piece of silk paper and a treat or a toy.
Close the upper excess paper, tie with the rope.
Glue a number (date) to the side of the tube.
Repeat with the remaining date-tubes, hang them from the branch and use to decorate your child’s room.