Potrebno vam je:

1 pluteni čep
3 – 4 trakice ukrasne vrpce duljine oko 10 cm (različitih boja)
120 cm konopca za vezanje
1 praporac
jako (super) ljepilo

Pluteni čep stavite u posudu s vodom i pustite da zavrije. To će omekšati pluto.
Maknite s vatre pa zatvorenim škarama izdubite rupu u sredini čepa duboku otprilike 2 cm. Lagano okrećite škare dok su u čepu da formirate otvor širi pri vrhu.
Raznobojne trake položite jednu na drugu pa po sredini zavežite konopcem. Preklopite ih tako da svezano mjesto bude na dnu, a vrhovi traka paralelni s konopcem.
U otvor u čepu koji ste izdubili škarama kapnite kap super ljepila (pazite: ljepilo ne smije curiti izvan otvora!!!) pa (uz pomoć štapića za ražnjiće ili nečeg sličnog) utisnite u otvor pripremljene trake, svezanim dijelom prema unutra.
Pričekajte da se zalijepi, pa na konop nanižite praporac, a zatim sve osigurajte čvorom.


What you need:

1 cork
3-4 ribbons, each about 10 cm long (in various colours)
120 cm rope
1 bell
strong (super) glue

To soften the cork, boil it in water.
Remove from heat and use closed scissors to make a hole (about 2 cm deep) in the centre of the cork. Keep turning the scissors slowly to make a hole that is wider at the surface than deep down.
Place the ribbons on top of one another and tie them with the rope in the centre. Fold over so that the tied part is on the bottom, and the free ends are parallel with the rope.
Add a small drop of the super glue into the hole (be careful – adding too much glue will make it leak out of the hole) and use a skewer (or any other handy item) to stick the tied end of the ribbons into the hole.
Wait for it to be glued tight before threading the bell onto the rope and tying a knot to secure the toy.