
5-6 mekših rajčica

1-2 češnja češnjaka, sitno nasjeckana

1 slani inćun

½ žličice ružmarina

150 g tune (konzervirane)

2 žl maslinovog ulja


papar s limunom (recept na Ciao Karmela)

500 g zelenih rezanaca


Rajčicama lagano zarežite koru pa ih položite u kipuću vodu. To će pomoći da ih lagano ogulite.

Ostavite ih 2 min, a zatim ocijedite i ogulite.

Oguljene rajčice narežite na kockice. Izvadite srednju kost iz inćuna.

Na maslinovom ulju kratko propržite češnjak i filet inćuna. Dodajte rajčicu, promiješajte i kuhajte na jačoj vatri 2 min. Lagano posolite, dodajte ružmarin, smanjite vatru, poklopite i ostavite da se pirja 15-ak minuta. Povremeno promiješajte. Kad se stvorio lijep umak od rajčice, dodajte tunu. Začinite s paprom s limunom. Dosolite ako treba. Ostavite nad laganom vatrom još 1 min.

Čini li vam se umak pregust, dodajte mu još koju kap maslinovog ulja.

Rezance skuhajte prema uputstvu na pakiranju u puno slane vrele vode. Ocijedite,  prelijte umakom od tune i servirajte.



5-6 ripe tomatoes
1-2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 salted anchovy
½ teaspoon rosemary
150 g tuna (canned)
2 tbsp olive oil + 1 teaspoon
lemon pepper (search Ciao Karmela for recipe)
500 g green pappardelle/fettuccine/tagliatelle


Make a small incision in the skin of each tomato. Place them in boiling water and remove after 2 minutes. This will help you peel them easily.
Dice the peeled tomatoes. Fillet the anchovy.
Briefly fry the garlic and anchovy fillets in olive oil. Add the tomatoes, stir and cook over increased heat for 2 minutes. Season with salt lightly, add the rosemary, lower the heat and cook for about 15 minutes with a lid on, stirring occasionally. Once the tomato sauce is done, add the tuna, season with lemon pepper and additional salt if needed. Cook over low heat for another minute.
If the sauce is too thick for your taste, add a few drops of olive oil.
Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packaging, in a large pot of salted boiling water. Top the drained pasta with the tuna sauce and serve warm.