Prema receptu sa stranice


1 veća glavica karfiola
1½ šalice grčkog jogurta
1 limeta (sok i korica)
2 žličice čilija
1 žlica mljevene paprike
1 žlica curry praha
1 žlica češnjaka u prahu
2 žličice soli
1 žličica papra


Pećnicu zagrijte na 200 °C.
Karfiol očistite od listića i stapke, ali pazite da ostane u glavici.
Lim za pečenje prekrijte papirom za pečenje i lagano namastite.
Posebno pomiješajte jogurt i sve začine pa u tu marinadu uronite cvjetaču naglavačke. Ostavite koju minutu (dok se pećnica grije), a zatim je izvadite i stavite na pripremljen lim, tako da strana s umakom bude gore.
Pecite 40-ak minuta.
Malo ohladite, a zatim režite na kriške i poslužite uz sezonsku salatu i kakav dobar umak, ali i kao prilog mesnim jelima.


Adjusted from


1 large head cauliflower
1 ½ cup Greek yogurt
1 lime (juice and zest)
2 teaspoons chilli
1 tbsp paprika
1 tbsp curry powder
1 tbsp garlic powder
2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon pepper


Preheat the oven to 200 °C.

Remove the leaves and trim the cauliflower stem, making sure the head remains whole.

Line a baking tin with a sheet of parchment paper. Grease lightly.

Combine the yogurt and all the remaining ingredients in a separate bowl. Dunk the cauliflower upside down in the marinade for several minutes (e.g. while you preheat the oven).

Place the cauliflower on the baking tin, marinated top up.

Bake for about 40 minutes.

Leave to briefly cool, slice and serve with seasonal salad and a delicious sauce or as a side-dish to meat dishes.