Tradicionalna dalmatinska uskrsna pogača, pinca

(prema receptu i uputama moje prijateljice Brankice)


Za 4 – 6 sirnica:
1 kg mekog brašna
1 ½ kockica kvasca
250 g šećera
16 dag mekog maslaca
8 žumanjaka
4 bjelanjaka
2 ½ dl toplog mlijeka
naribana kora cijelog limuna
naribana kora cijele naranče
malo ekstrakta ruže (domaći ružolij je najbolji)
malo maraskina
malo ruma
miris za sirnice
8 – 10 vanilin šećera ili 2 žlice ekstrakta vanilije

Za premaz:
4 bjelanjka
2 vanilin šećera
šećer za posipanje (kristal, kocke, granule)


U toplom mlijeku razmutite kvasac i s malo brašna i šećera napravite kvas. Poklopite i ostavite nekoliko minuta da se zapjeni.

U veću zdjelu prosijte brašno, dodajte žumanjke i bjelanjke, preostali šećer, naribane korice, vaniliju, rum, maraskino i ružolij, cijelu bočicu mirisa za sirnicu i uzdigli kvas.
Mikserom pa rukama umijesite glatko tijesto.

Oblikujte tijesto u kuglu, prekrijte i ostavite na toplom mjestu da se diže nekoliko sati.

Kad se tijesto lijepo digne, pobrašnjenim dlanovima oblikujte sirnice (napravit ćete 4 – 6 sirnica, ovisi o vremenu dizanja tijesta i veličini sirnica) i slažite ih na lim za pečenje prekriven papirom za pečenje.

Škarama zarežite 3 reza na vrhu svake sirnice. Ostavite ih da se još dižu dok se pećnica ne zagrije na 200 ⁰C.

U vatrostalnu posudu ulijte vodu i stavite je na dno pećnice.

Snizite temperaturu pećnice na 180 ⁰C i pecite sirnice 40-ak minuta. Kad se počnu rumeniti, premažite ih premazom i pospite šećerom pa vratite u pećnicu na još 10 minuta.

Za premaz, vilicom umutite bjelanjke i dodajte im vanilin šećer. Nakon što ih premažete, sirnice obilno pospite kristal šećerom, smrvljenim šećerom u kocki ili šećerom u granulama.


Traditional Dalmatian hot cross buns


For 4-6 Easter cakes:
1 kg bread flour
1 ½ cubes fresh yeast
250 g sugar
16 dag butter, softened
8 egg yolks
4 egg whites
2 ½ dl warm milk
grated zest of 1 whole lemon
grated zest of 1 whole orange
a small amount of rose extract (home-made ružolij is recommended)
a small amount of maraschino
a small amount of rum
Easter cake aroma
8 – 10 pouches vanilla sugar or 2 tbsp vanilla extract

For the glaze:
4 egg whites
2 pouches vanilla sugar
sugar (crystals, cubes, granulated)


Dissolve the yeast, a small amount of flour and sugar in warm milk and leave to rise. Cover and leave until foamy.

Sift the flour in a large bowl. Add the egg yolks and egg whites, the remaining sugar, the grated lemon and orange zest, vanilla, rum, maraschino and ružolij, the entire contents of the Easter cake aroma bottle and the risen yeast.
Beat with a mixer and knead into soft dough.

Form a ball, cover and leave in a warm place to rise for several hours.

Dust the palms of your hands with flour and form the cakes (you can make between 4 and 6 cakes, depending on the rising of the dough and the size of the cakes) and arrange on a baking tray lined with a sheet of parchment paper.

Use scissors to make three incisions on top of each cake and leave to rise while preheating the oven to 200 ºC.

Fill an oven-proof dish with water and place it at the bottom of the oven.

Lower the oven temperature to 180 ºC and bake the cakes for about 40 minutes, until nicely golden.

Remove from the oven, glaze, sprinkle with sugar, return to the oven and bake for another 10 minutes.

To make the glaze, beat the egg whites with a fork. Add the vanilla sugar and spread over the cakes. Sprinkle lavishly with crystal sugar, crushed sugar cubes or granulated sugar.