Kao stvoreni za zastrašujuće tulume i Noć vještica



1 kg brašna

400 g maslaca, omekšalog na sobnoj temperaturi

300 g šećera

1 žličica vanilin arome ili 1 vanilin šećer

prstohvat soli

4 jaja

korica limuna – po želji



1 šalica šećera u prahu

2 – 2,5 žlice mlijeka

1 žličica ekstrakta vanilije

nekoliko kapi jestive boje (crna, zelena…)


Maslac umutite sa šećerom, vanilijom i solju. Umiješajte jedno po jedno jaje, a zatim i koricu. Dodajte brašno dok možete mutiti, a zatim nastavite mijesiti rukama. Ne predugo – tek toliko da tijesto postane jednolično.

Podijelite ga na 2 dijela, oblikujte u pravokutnike, svaki omotajte prozirnom folijom i stavite u hladnjak na bar 30 minuta.

Pećnicu zagrijte na 180⁰ C.

2 lima za pečenje prekrijte papirom ili silikonskom podlogom.

Ohlađeno tijesto razvaljajte na 3 – 4 mm debljine pa kalupićima režite kekse.

Pecite ih 15-ak minuta – da zamirišu, ali ne potamne. Izvadite iz pećnice i ostavite 10-ak minuta na limu da se malo očvrsnu.

Nožem ili lopaticom pažljivo izvadite kekse iz lima i ostavite da se potpuno ohlade.


Napravite premaz. Šećer u prahu pomiješajte s vanilijom, mlijekom i toliko kapi boje da dobijete željenu nijansu. Premaz mora biti gust, ali još uvijek tekuć. Njime napunite vrećicu za zamrzavanje.

Odrežite vrh (tako da premaz može izlaziti u tankom mlazu) i prvo na keksima  iscrtajte konture .

Kad su svi keksi iscrtani, vratite se na početak pa iscrtani dio ispunite premazom. Uz pomoć štapića za ražnjiće ili krajem žličice razvucite premaz da se popune sve praznine. Kekse ostavite da se suše bar 20-ak sati prije no što ih spremite u kutiju.


Just the right thing for horror parties and Halloween


1 kg flour
400 g butter, softened at room temperature
300 g sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla aroma or 1 pouch vanilla sugar
a pinch of salt
4 eggs
lemon zest – optional

For the coating:
1 cup icing sugar
2-2 ½ tbsp milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
a few drops of food colouring (black, green…)


Beat the butter, sugar, vanilla and salt. Add one egg at a time. Add the lemon zest. Add the flour gradually and, when it’s no longer beatable, knead for a short while – just until uniform.
Divide and form two rectangles. Wrap each with plastic foil and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes.
Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
Line two baking tins with parchment paper or a silicone mat.
Roll out the dough to 3-4 mm thick. Use cookie cutters to cut various shapes.
Bake for about 15 minutes, until the aromas are released – they should not start turning brown. Remove from the oven and leave in the tin to rest and harden for about 10 minutes.
Use a palette knife or a spatula to remove the biscuits from the tin carefully. Leave to cool.
To make the coating, combine the icing sugar, vanilla, milk and as many drops of food colouring as you need to be happy with the shade. The coating should be thick, yet still liquid. Fill a plastic freezer bag.
Cut a corner (so that you can pour the coating out of the bag) and trace the outer lines of the cookies.
Once all the cookies are ready, fill in the outlined space with the coating – use a wooden stick or a teaspoon handle to make sure all the gaps have been filled.

Leave the cookies to dry for at least 20 hours prior to placing them in a cookie jar.