

1 jaje

3 žl šećera

4 žl brašna

1-2 žl vode

½ žličice praška za pecivo

Prstohvat soli


2500 ml sladoleda od vanilije

100 g napolitanki

100 g tamne čokolade

1 žl ulja


Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 stupnjeva. Dno kalupa za tortu prekrijte papirom za pečenje.

Mikserom tucite jaje, vodu i šećer pa kad se zapjeni, dodajte brašno, sol i prašak.

Ulijte u pripremljeni kalup i pecite 10 min. Ohladite i izvadite iz kalupa.

Kalup operite. Dno i stjenke prekrijte prozirnom folijom. (Učinite to upotrijebivši dovoljno veliki komad da folija prijeđe preko ruba.)

Pola količine sladoleda stavite u posudu za miksanje i lagano ga promiješajte lopaticom za miješanje. Napolitanke izmrvite (rukama ili valjkom) i dodajte sladoledu. Radite brzo da sladoled ostane hladan. Njime napunite dno pripremljenog kalupa. Stavite u zamrzivač dok pripremate drugu kremu.

Čokoladu nasjeckajte, dodajte joj žlicu sladoleda i otopite na laganoj vatri. Maknite s vatre i umiješajte ulje.

Preostali sladoled od vanilije stavite u posudu za miksanje. Kratko ga promiješajte pa mu dodajte pola rastopljene čokolade. Izjednačite.

Izvadite kalup iz zamrzivača. Sladoled s napolitankama premažite preostalom rastopljenom čokoladom , a zatim u kalup stavite i sladoled s čokoladom. Poravnajte površinu i prekrijte ohlađenim tijestom.

Ostavite u zamrzivaču bar 4 sata.

Zamrznutu tortu izvrnite na tanjur i maknite prozirnu foliju. Po želji ukrasite voćem ili šlagom. Odmah poslužite.

Tortu čuvajte u zamrzivaču.



For the dough:
1 egg
3 tbsp sugar
4 tbsp flour
1-2 tbsp water
½ teaspoon baking powder
a pinch of salt

2500 ml vanilla ice cream
100 g Neapolitaner wafers
100 g dark chocolate
1 tbsp oil


Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Line the bottom of a cake tin with a sheet of parchment paper.
Beat the egg, water and sugar with a mixer until foamy. Add the flour, salt and baking powder.
Pour into the cake tin and bake for 10 min. Leave to cool and remove from the tin.
Wash the cake tin and line the bottom and the sides with plastic foil (make sure that the sheet is large enough to fold over the rim).
Place half the ice cream into a mixing bowl and stir it gently with a spatula. Crumble the wafers (by hand or use a rolling pin) and add to the ice cream. Stir in quickly lest the ice cream should melt. Cover the bottom of the tin with the mixture and keep in the freezer while preparing the other crème.
Chop the chocolate, add a tablespoon of ice cream to it and melt over low heat. Remove from heat and stir in the oil.
Place the remaining ice cream in a mixing bowl. Stir briefly. Add half the amount of the melted chocolate and combine.
Take the tin out of the freezer. Top the ice cream and wafers layer with the remaining melted chocolate and then with the ice cream and chocolate layer. Spread evenly and top with the cooled crust.
Keep in the freezer for at least 4 hrs.
Turn over the frozen cake onto a serving plate and remove the plastic foil. Decorate with fruit or whipped cream to your liking and serve immediately.
Keep the cake in the freezer.