
125 g maslaca, sobne temperature
4 jaja
2 ½ šalice brašna
1 ½ žličica praška za pecivo
¼ žličice sode bikarbone
prstohvat soli
2 šalice kristal šećera
2 žličice ribane limunove kore
2 žlice svježe cijeđenog limunovog soka
1 šalica jogurta ili kiselog mlijeka

Krema od limuna:
½ šalice šećera
1 žlica škrobnog brašna
1 žličica ribane limunove korice
3 žlice limunovog soka
3 žlice vode
3 žutanjka, umućena
60 g maslaca

Premaz od bjelanjaka:
½ šalice šećera
¼ šalice vode
1 žlica limunovog soka
1 bjelanjak


Pećnicu zagrijte na 160 °C.

Namastite 3 jednaka kalupa za torte promjera 26 cm.

U posudu prosijte brašno, prašak, sodu i sol.

Posebno tucite maslac mikserom 30 sekundi. Dodajte šećer, tucite do pjenastog pa dodajte koricu i sok limuna.
Ujednačenoj smjesi dodajte jedno po jedno jaje, miksajući među dodavanjima.
Na kraju, naizmjence, dodajte brašno i jogurt.

Smjesu rasporedite po kalupima i pecite 28 – 30 minuta.

Napravite kremu:
U vatrostalnoj posudi pomiješajte šećer, koricu i škrobno brašno. Dodajte vodu i sok pa stavite nad vatru. Kuhajte miješajući dok se ne počne gustiti i kipiti.
Nekoliko žličica vruće kreme, malo po malo, umiješajte u žutanjke. To će ih zagrijati pa se neće zgrušati kad ih dodate ostatku kreme. Ugrijane žutanjke, dakle, dodajte u posudu i nastavite kuhati nad srednje jakom vatrom, neprestano miješajući.
Krema je gotova kad se zgusne toliko da ostane vidljiv trag kad prstom prođete po stražnjoj strani kuhače kojom miješate.

Maknite s vatre, umiješajte maslac (nek’ se potpuno rastopi u kremi). Kremu prekrijte prozirnom folijom (skroz na površinu kreme) i ostavite da se ohladi 1 sat.

Ohlađenom kremom premažite 2 biskvita pa ih složite jedan na drugi. Prekrijte preostalim biskvitom i stavite u hladnjak dok pripremate premaz.

U vatrostalnoj posudi pomiješajte šećer, vodu i limunov sok pa stavite na vatru. Neka kuha 10-ak minuta dok ne dobijete gust sirup.

Bjelanjke tucite mikserom. Kad nastane snijeg, ulijevajte vruć sirup. Miksajte bez prestanka još 7 – 10 minuta.

Tim premazom premažite tortu sa strane.
Odozgo žlicom „nabacajte“ premaz da dobijete valovitu površinu. Ako želite, karamelizirajte je kuhinjskim plamenikom (brenerom).

Ostavite u hladnjaku nekoliko sati, a zatim poslužite.



For the sponge:
125 g butter, at room temperature
4 eggs
2 ½ cups flour
1 ½ teaspoon baking powder
¼ teaspoon baking soda
a pinch of salt
2 cups granulated sugar
2 teaspoons grated lemon zest
2 tbsp lemon juice (freshly squeezed)
1 cup yogurt or soured milk

For the lemon crème:
½ cup sugar
1 tbsp starch
1 teaspoon grated lemon zest
3 tbsp lemon juice
3 tbsp water
3 egg yolks, lightly beaten
60 g butter

For the egg white icing:
½ cup sugar
¼ cup water
1 tbsp lemon juice
1 egg white


Preheat the oven to 160 °C.

Grease 3 cake tins of equal size (24-26 cm)

Sift the flour, baking powder, soda and salt in a bowl.
Beat the butter in a separate bowl with a mixer for 30 seconds. Add the sugar and beat until foamy. Add the lemon zest and juice and beat until uniform.
Add one egg at a time, beating after each.
Add the flour and yogurt alternately, beating constantly.

Pour 1/3 of the mixture into each cake tin and bake for 28-30 minutes.
Leave to cool.


To make the crème, combine the sugar, lemon zest and starch in an oven-proof dish. Add the water and juice and cook stirring until it begins to thicken and boil.
Stir several tablespoons (one by one) of the hot crème into the egg yolks to temper them and prevent curdling. Add the tempered egg yolks to the dish and continue cooking over medium heat, stirring constantly.
To check the thickness of the crème simply run your finger down the back of a wooden spoon – if the trace is clear, the crème is done.
Remove from heat and stir in the butter (make sure it melts completely in the crème). Cover with a sheet of plastic foil (pressing it on top of the crème) and leave to cool for an hour.
When cold, spread ½ of the crème on each of the 2 sponges, arrange on top of one another and cover with the third sponge. Refrigerate.

Combine the sugar, water and lemon juice in an oven-proof dish. Cook for about 10 minutes, until the syrup thickens.
Beat the egg whites with a mixer until firm peaks form. Pour in the hot syrup gradually, beating constantly for another 7-10 minutes.
Spread along the sides of the cake.

Spoon the icing over the top of the cake to get a wavy surface. Caramelize with a kitchen torch (optional).
Refrigerate for several hours prior to serving.