
½ l toplog mlijeka
1 svježi kvasac
2 žličice šećera

700 g glatkog brašna
1 ½ dl ulja
1 – 2 žličice soli

2 jaja (odvojiti žutanjke i bjelanjke)
250 g maslaca, omekšanog
2 – 3 žličice soli

sezam za posipanje


U toplo mlijeko dodajte šećer i razmrvite kvasac. Poklopite i ostavite nekoliko minuta da se zapjeni.
Brašno pomiješajte sa solju i uljem, dodajte uzdigli kvasac. Zamijesite glatko tijesto. Podijelite u dvije kugle, prekrijte ubrusom i ostavite na toplom 1 sat da se udvostruči.
Maslac pomiješajte sa solju i žutanjcima. Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 °C.
Naraslo tijesto razvaljajte što tanje i premažite smjesom maslaca i žutanjaka. Zarolajte i režite pužiće.
Slažite ih na namašćen lim za pečenje, širom stranom prema gore. Premažite bjelanjkom i pospite sezamom.
Pecite na 180 °C dok ne dobiju lijepu zlatnu boju (oko 20 – 25 minuta).



½ l warm milk
1 fresh yeast cube
2 teaspoons sugar

700 g plain flour
1 ½ dl oil
1-2 teaspoons salt

2 eggs (separated)
250 g butter, softened
2-3 teaspoons salt

sesame seeds


Combine the milk, sugar and crumbled yeast. Cover and leave for several minutes until foamy.
Combine the flour, salt and oil with the risen yeast to make smooth dough. Divide and form two balls, cover with a kitchen cloth and leave in a warm place for an hour, until doubled in size.
Combine the butter with the salt and egg yolks. Preheat the oven to 180 °C.
Roll the risen dough as thinly as possible. Brush the butter mixture over it and roll. Cut into small rolls.
Place on a baking tin with the wider side up. Brush with egg whites and sprinkle with sesame seeds.
Bake until nicely golden (about 20-25 minutes).