
2 šalice slatkog vrhnja

1 šalica zgusnutog mlijeka (recept na stranici Ciao Karmela)

3/4 šalica mlijeka

½ šalice čokoladnih dražeja od riže


Mlijeko i vrhnje zagrijte do vrenja. Maknite s vatre pa umiješajte zgusnuto mlijeko. (To će sladoledu dati finu karamel aromu). Posudu s mlijekom stavite u veću posudu napunjenu hladnom vodom i miješajući ohladite.

Tako pripremljenu smjesu ulijte u uređaj za sladoled. Neka radi 20-ak minuta dok se ne napravi sladoled. Na kraju  dodajte i dražeje. Izmiješajte lopaticom. Pripremljen sladoled spremite u plastičnu kutiju s poklopcem i stavite u zamrzivač na  1 sat.

MIKI RIKI ICE CREAM (with Condensed Milk and Rice)


2 cups sweet cream
1 cup condensed milk (search Ciao Karmela for recipe)
3/4 cup milk
½ cup chocolate coated rice dragees

Bring the milk and cream to a boil. Remove from heat and add the condensed milk, to add a nice, caramel-like aroma to your ice cream. Place the dish into a larger bowl filled with cold water and stir until cold.

Pour into the ice cream maker and process for 20 minutes, until the ice cream is done. Add the dragees, pour into a sealed plastic container and freeze for 1 hour.