
3 srednje velike jabuke, oguljene i očišćene od sjemenki
3 žličice smeđeg šećera
1 žličica cimeta
2 šalice (400 ml) slatkog vrhnja
1 šalica (200 ml) kiselog vrhnja
3 vrhom pune žlice šećera u prahu
1 žlica ekstrakta vanilije

Za karamel:
8 žlica šećera
3 dag maslaca
100 ml slatkog vrhnja
prstohvat soli

Za posipanje:
1 keks s cimetom (smrvljeni)


Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 °C. Šećer pomiješajte s cimetom.

Jabuke složite na lim. U sredinu, gdje ste izdubili koštice, stavite po žličicu šećera s cimetom.
Pecite 30 – 40 minuta, dok jabuke ne omekšaju. Izvadite ih iz lima i usitnite vilicom. Ohladite.

Pomiješajte slatko i kiselo vrhnje pa žičanom metlicom u njih umiješajte šećer u prahu i vaniliju. Sve ulijte u aparat za sladoled i miješajte desetak minuta. Kad je sladoled već gotovo čvrst, umiješajte jabuke. Promiješajte još minutu-dvije. Gotovim sladoledom napunite plastičnu kutiju s poklopcem i spremite u zamrzivač dok radite umak.

Karamel umak je brzo gotov, ali traži pažnju. (I sama sam ga nekoliko puta „pregorila“ i napravila gorko neupotrebljivim.) Slatko vrhnje zagrijte gotovo do vrenja i sklonite s vatre.

U visoku posudu s debljim dnom stavite šećer. Posudu stavite na srednje jaku vatru da se šećer rastopi i lagano posmeđi. Sad ga promiješajte i ne prestajući miješati ubacite maslac. Kad se rastopi, polako, stalno miješajući, ulijte vruće vrhnje. Ono će šećer zapjeniti i umak će narasti – budite oprezni, rastopljeni šećer je jako, jako vruć!

Sklonite s vatre, dodajte prstohvat soli, još malo promiješajte i ostavite da se ohladi nekoliko minuta.
Umak možete čuvati u hladnjaku, u staklenci s poklopcem, do tjedan dana.

U čaše stavite kuglicu-dvije sladoleda, prelijte ohlađenim karamelom i pospite usitnjenim keksima s cimetom.



3 medium apples, peeled and cored
3 teaspoons brown sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
400 ml sweet cream
200 ml sour cream
3 heaping tbsp icing sugar
1 tbsp vanilla extract
For the caramel:
8 tbsp sugar
3 dag butter
100 ml sweet cream
a pinch of salt
For sprinkling:
1 cinnamon biscuit (crumbled)


Preheat the oven to 180 °C.

Combine the sugar and cinnamon.
Place the apples on a baking sheet. Add a tbsp of sugar into the centre of each (cored) apple.
Bake for 30-40 minutes, until the apples are soft. Place in a bowl and mash using a fork. Leave to cool.
Combine the sweet and sour cream. Whisk in the icing sugar and vanilla. Pour into the ice cream maker and blend for about 10 minutes. When the ice cream is almost hard, add the apples and blend for another minute or two. Place the ice cream into a plastic container with a lid and keep in the freezer while preparing the caramel.
Caramel sauce takes little time, but a lot of attention. (I managed to “burn” it to a bitter, unusable mass on several occasions.)

Heat the sweet cream until almost boiling; remove from heat.
Heat a deep pot with sugar over medium heat until the sugar is melted and lightly brown in colour. Stir and add the butter stirring constantly. When the butter is melted, slowly pour in the hot cream, stirring constantly. The sugar will become foamy and the sauce will rise – be careful as the melted sugar is really, really hot!
Remove from heat; add a pinch of salt, stir and leave to cool for several minutes. The caramel sauce keeps well in a refrigerator, in a jar with a lid, for up to a week.
Place a scoop or two of ice cream in a glass, pour over with the cooled caramel and sprinkle with crumbled cinnamon biscuits.