Salata idealna kao samostalan obrok tijekom vrućeg ljeta ili kao ukusan prilog.


3 šalice kristal zelene salate, oprane i narezane na trake

1 manja mrkva, naribana

2 žlice kuhanog kukuruza

1-2 žlice kockica pečenog patlidžana

2 rajčice, narezane na ploške

1 krastavac, narezan na ploške

1 šalica preljeva 1000 otoka (recept na Ciao Karmela)

Po želji: krutoni od jučerašnjeg kruha (recept na Ciao Karmela)


Salatu stavite u zdjelu. Dodajte rajčicu i krastavac, a zatim i mrkvu, kukuruz i patlidžan. Preko salate prelijte preljev i servirajte.

Patlidžan možete pripremiti i unaprijed:

Patlidžan narežite na kockice. Propržite ih  na grill tavi. Ohlađene spremite u staklenku, prelijte s malo maslinovog ulja, dodajte 1 češanj nasjeckanog češnjaka i promiješajte. Čuvajte u hladnjaku.


Enjoy this salad as a meal on its own during hot summer days, or as a tasty side-dish


2-3 cups iceberg lettuce, washed and cut into strips
1 small carrot, grated
2 tbsp boiled corn kernels
1-2 tbsp roasted eggplant cubes
2 tomatoes, sliced
1 cucumber, sliced
croutons made from yesterday’s bread (search Ciao Karmela for recipe) – optional
1 cup 1000 Island Dressing (search Ciao Karmela for recipe)


Place the lettuce into a large bowl. Add the tomatoes and the cucumber, the carrot, corn and eggplant. Pour over with the dressing prior to serving.

Slice the eggplant and then dice the slices. Fry briefly in a little bit of oil, in a grill pan. Leave to cool, place in a jar, pour over with a little olive oil, add 1 finely chopped clove garlic and keep in the fridge.