
Lisnato tijesto (2 komada u pakiranju)

4 velike crvene jabuke

Sok 1 naranče



1 jaje

1 šalica mlijeka

½ šalice šećera

¼ šalice škrobnog brašna

1 žličica vanilije


½ šalice slatkog vrhnja

5 dag bijele čokolade


Prvo napravite nadjev. Zagrijte mlijeko gotovo do vrenja. Maknite s vatre dok mutite jaje sa šećerom, vanilijom i škrobnim brašnom. Kad se smjesa ujednači, ulijte je u vruće mlijeko pa vratite na srednje jaku vatru. Stalno miješajte. Vrlo brzo će se početi gustiti i kad dostigne gustoću pudinga maknite s vatre. Pustite da se ohladi.

Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 stupnjeva. Kalup za muffine premažite uljem i lagano pobrašnite.

Jabuke raspolovite, očistite od sjemenki i oštrim ih nožem narežite na što tanje ploške (do milimetar debljine bi bilo idealno). Ploške pokapajte sokom od naranče,  stavite u dublju vatrostalnu posudu i kuhajte u mikrovalnoj pećnici 4-5 minuta da omekšaju.

Lisnato tijesto razvaljajte na veličinu daske i podijelite na 4 trake širine 6-7 cm. Svaku traku premažite nadjevom pa po rubovima poslažite jabuke. Pospite cimetom. Traku prerežite po sredini pa unutarnje krajeve preklopite preko poslaganih jabuka. Sad svaku preklopljenu traku pažljivo zarolajte u ružicu i stavite u kalup za muffine. Postupak ponovite dok ne potrošite sve sastojke.

Pecite 30 minuta. Ohladite i izvadite iz kalupa.

Vrhnje zavrijte, maknite s vatre i njime prelijt nasjeckanu čokoladu. Ostavite minutu-dvije, a zatim promiješajte. Žličicom prelijte preko ružica.



1 package puff pastry (2 pcs)
4 large red apples
juice of 1 orange
For the stuffing:
1 egg
1 cup milk
½ cup sugar
¼ cup corn starch
1 teaspoon vanilla
For the topping:
½ cup sweet cream
5 dag white chocolate


To prepare the stuffing, bring the milk almost to a boil. Remove from heat. Whisk the egg with sugar, vanilla and starch until well combined. Pour the mixture into the hot milk and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly. It should soon start thickening and as soon as it gets thick as pudding, remove from heat. Leave to cool.
Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Grease the muffin tin with oil and dust with flour.
Halve the apples, seed them and slice as thinly as possible (ideally, to a thickness of less than a millimetre). Sprinkle with orange juice, place in a deep oven-proof dish and place in a microwave oven for 4-5 minutes, until softened.
Roll out the pastry to the size of your board and cut into 4 strips, 6-7 cm wide. Spread the stuffing on each of the strips. Arrange the apple slices on the outside rim. Sprinkle with cinnamon. Cut each strip in the middle and fold the inside rim over the apple slices. Roll up each of the two strips carefully to form a rose and place it into a muffin tin. Repeat the procedure until all the ingredients have been used up.
Bake for 30 minutes. Leave to cool and remove from the tin.
Bring the cream to a boil. Remove from heat and pour over the chopped chocolate. Leave to rest for a minute or two, whisk. Use a spoon to pour it over the roses.