Nadaleko znan mađarski kolač iz 19. stoljeća, podsjetnik na ljubav  koja se rodila na ulicama Pariza kad je romski violinist Rigo Jancsi susreo  princezu Claru.

U originalu se peče u četvrtastom kalupu i reže na kocke. 



6 jaja – odvojite žutanjke od bjelanjaka

6 žlica šećera

6 žlica brašna

2 žlice kakaa

2 žlice vode

prstohvat soli



200 g čokolade

400 ml slatkog vrhnja



2 žlice marmelade od marelica



100 g čokolade

50 g maslaca

4 žlice mlijeka


Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 °C.

Kalup za torte namastite i pobrašnite.


Brašno prosijte s kakaom.

Bjelanjke sa solju tucite u snijeg. Polako dodajte žlicu po žlicu šećera, a zatim i jedan po jedan žutanjak.

Smanjite brzinu pa polako umiješajte brašno, kakao i vodu.

Tom smjesom punite kalup. Poravnajte i pecite 25-30 minuta. Ohladite.


Oštrim nožem tortu prerežite na 2 dijela.

Donji dio vratite u kalup i premažite marmeladom.


Čokoladu otopite na pari s malo ruma.  Pustite da se malo ohladi.

Slatko vrhnje tucite u šlag, a zatim mu dodajte mlaku čokoladu. Tucite da dobijte  jednoličnu kremu pa je premažite preko pripremljene kore.

Pokrijte gornjom korom.

Napravite preljev. Čokoladu otopite s maslacem i mlijekom pa prelijte po torti.

Ohladite u hladnjaku nekoliko sati.


A world renown Hungarian cake first made in the 19th c. to honour Rigo Jansci, a Hungarian violinist, and princes Clara, the object of his affection.


For the dough:
6 eggs (separate the egg yolks and egg whites)
6 tbsp sugar
6 tbsp flour
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp water
a pinch of salt

For the crème:
200 g chocolate
400 ml sweet cream

2 tbsp apricot marmalade

For the glaze:
100 g chocolate
50 g butter
4 tbsp milk


Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Grease a cake tin and dust it with flour.
Sift the flour and the cocoa powder.
In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites and salt until stiff peaks form. Add the sugar, 1 spoon at a time. Add the egg yolks, one at a time.
Lower the speed and slowly stir in the flour, cocoa and water.
Pour into the cake tin evenly. Bake for 25-30 minutes. Leave to cool.
Use a sharp knife to cut the cake into two.
Return the bottom half into the tin. Spread the marmalade over it.
Melt the chocolate and a bit of rum over steam. Leave to cool slightly.
Make the whipped cream and add the lukewarm chocolate to it. Beat until uniform. Spread over the bottom cake layer.
Top with the other half.
To make the glaze, melt the chocolate, butter and milk and pour over the cake.
Refrigerate for several hours prior to serving.