

800 – 900 g fileta svježe ribe (bakalar, oslić, orada…)

Za umak:
1 šalica vode
¼ šalice bijelog vina (Chablis ili Charodnnay)
1-2 žlice soka svježe iscijeđene limete
½ žličice češnjaka u prahu
svježe mljeveni bijeli papar po ukusu
120 g maslaca
3 žličice vode
3 žličice škrobnog brašna

Za prženje:
2 jaja
2 žlice vode
1 šalica brašna
2 šalice krušnih mrvica

Za posluživanje:
1 šalica rajčice narezane na kockice
1 šalica ljutike, tanko narezane
½ šalice krupno naribanog parmezana
2 žlice nasjeckanog peršinova lista


Stavite šalicu vode, vino i sok limete nad vatru. Neka kuha dok se ne reducira na pola količine, otprilike 5 min. Dodajte češnjak u prahu i papar (po ukusu). Smanjite vatru, pa dodajte žlicu po žlicu maslaca. Dobro promiješajte nakon svakog dodavanja.
Posebno pomiješajte 3 žličice vode sa škrobnim brašnom pa umiješajte u umak. Miješajte žustro da ne nastanu grudice. Kuhajte miješajući dok se umak ne zgusne. Maknite s vatre.
U zdjelici pomiješajte sjeckanu rajčicu, ljutiku i peršinov list.
Jaja umutite s vodom. Riblje filete posolite pa umačite u brašno pa u jaje i na kraju u krušne mrvice.
U širokoj tavi zagrijte otprilike 4 žlice pripremljenog umaka pa na njemu propržite paniranu ribu. Pržite je otprilike 3 – 4 minute sa svake strane.
Prženu ribu stavite na tanjur. Prelijte je žlicom umaka, a zatim po njoj rasporedite pripremljenu mješavinu rajčice i ljutike. Pospite parmezanom.
Ako želite, dodajte još malo umaka.


You can find the original recipe at the TROPICAL LIFE, FOOD AND FUN blog http://www.tropicallifefoodandfun.com/fresh-fish-with-key-lime-butter-sauce/


800-900 g fresh fish filets (cod, hake, gilthead…)

For the sauce:
1 cup water
¼ cup white wine (Chablis or Chardonnay)
1 tbsp freshly squeezed key lime juice
½ teaspoon garlic powder
freshly ground white pepper – to taste
120 g butter
3 teaspoons water
3 teaspoons starch

For frying:
2 eggs
2 tbsp water
1 cup flour
2 cups breadcrumbs

For the garnish:
1 cup diced tomatoes
1 cup scallions, finely sliced
½ cup coarsely grated parmesan
2 tbsp chopped parsley leaves


Place 1 cup water, wine and lime juice over high heat and reduce by half. This takes about 5 minutes. Add the garlic powder (and pepper to taste). Add 1 tbsp of butter at a time and whisk each time until the butter is incorporated. Repeat until all of the butter is used.
Mix 3 teaspoons water and the starch in a bowl and add to the sauce. Increase the heat to medium and stir until the sauce thickens and a few bubbles appear. Set aside.
Combine the chopped tomatoes, scallions and parsley leaves in a bowl.
Mix the eggs and 2 tablespoons of water in a small bowl. Coat the fish filets with the flour, dip into the egg wash and then coat with the bread crumbs.
Heat 4 tablespoons of the prepared sauce in a large skillet. Add the fish and sauté for 3 – 4 minutes on each side.
Place the fish on a serving plate. Spoon some sauce over the fish. Sprinkle with the combined tomatoes, scallions and parsley, and finally with the Parmesan cheese.
Optionally, you can add more sauce.