
1 jaje

do 1 šalice  brašna (najbolje oštroga)


Umućenom jajetu dodajte toliko brašna da možete umijesiti polutvrdo tijesto.

Dobro ga izmijesite da bude jednolično, a zatim izvaljajte tanko (u veliki mlinac).

Ostavite 10-15 minuta da se malo prosuši, a zatim ga izrežite na 4 trake.

Svaku traku tijesta zavinite u svitak.

Oštrim nožem režite tanke rezance.

Rasprostrite ih po dasci i ostavite da se dobro osuše. Povremeno ih rastresite.

Suhe rezance ukuhajte u juhu, a višak, do sljedeće upotrebe,  spremite u suhu staklenu posudu s poklopcem.



1 egg, lightly beaten
up to 1 cup flour (preferably, coarse wheatmeal flour)


Add as much flour to the beaten egg as needed to make semi-soft dough. Knead until uniform. Roll out as thinly as possible.

Leave for 10-15 minutes to slightly dry before cutting into 4 strips.

Roll up each strip.

Using a sharp knife, thinly slice the noodles.

Spread out over the board and leave to dry, tossing them lightly occasionally.

Cook some of the noodles in your soup and store the rest in a clean and dry, sealed glass jar.