Quesadilla je jednostavan meksički obrok čija su osnova dvije tortilje napunjene sirom i zagrijane na tavi ili grilu. Postoje brojne varijacije: siru se dodaje sjeckana kobasica (chorizo), luk, prženi komadići mesa, paprika ili drugo povrće… Tortilje se mogu premazati crvenom ili zelenom salsom, a quesadilla servirati uz umak ili kiselo vrhnje.
Tortilje možete napraviti i sami po receptu za SUPER JEDNOSTAVNE TORTILJE.


Po osobi:
2 tortilje
1/3 šalice ribanog sira
1 žlica crvenog meksičkog umaka (ljutog ili blagog – po ukusu)
¼ šalice sjeckane šunke
1 žlica kiselog vrhnja


Na vatri dobro zagrijte tavu s debelim dnom.
Na nju stavite tortilju, premažite je umakom i pospite sirom i šunkom te pokrijte drugom tortiljom.
Malo pritisnite i pecite. Nakon 30 – 40 sekundi, pažljivo preokrenite da se zapeče i druga strana, a sir ravnomjerno rastopi.
Quesadillu poslužite toplu, izrezanu na kriške (kao tortu), sa žlicom kiselog vrhnja u sredini.


Quesadilla is a simple Mexican meal which basically consists of two tortillas filled with cheese and then grilled or pan-fried. There are many variations of the dish – the cheese can be combined with chopped sausage (chorizo), onion, fried pieces of meat, peppers or other vegetables… The tortillas can be brushed with red or green salsa and quesadillas can be served with a sauce or sour cream.

To make your own tortillas, check this recipe.


Per person:
2 tortillas
1/3 cup grated cheese
1 tbsp red Mexican sauce (hot or mild – to taste)
¼ cup chopped ham
1 tbsp sour cream


Heat a heavy-base pan.
Place one tortilla in the pan, brush it with the sauce and sprinkle with cheese and ham. Cover with the other tortilla.
Press lightly and fry for about 30-40 seconds. Turn over and fry until the other side is nicely fried and the cheese is equally melted.
Serve the quesadilla warm, sliced like a cake, with a tablespoon of sour cream in the centre.