

450 g glatkog brašna

14 g suhog kvasca

6 žlica šećera

220 ml toplog mlijeka

2 jaja

90 g rastopljenog maslaca

2 vanilin šećera

1 – 2 žličice naribane limunove korice



1 prašak za puding okusa vanilije

4 dl mlijeka

3 žlice šećera

1 žličica ruma

1/3 šalice grožđica

2/3 šalice sjeckane tamne čokolade


Kvasac pomiješajte sa žličicom šećera, žličicom brašna i nekoliko žlica toplog mlijeka. Nek se zapjeni.

Brašno prosijte sa solju pa dodajte jaje, rastopljeni maslac, šećer, vanilin šećer, limunovu koricu, uzdigli kvas i mlijeko. Miješajte (mikserom s kukom ili rukama) dok ne dobijete glatko tijesto.

Prekrijte prozirnom folijom ili ubrusom i ostavite da tijesto udvostruči volumen.

Grožđice prelijte s rumom i malo vode. Kratko prokuhajte pa ocijedite.

Puding skuhajte s mlijekom i šećerom prema uputstvu na omotu. Prekrijte ga prozirnom folijom (da dotiče površinu) i ostavite da se ohladi.

Uzdiglo tijesto lagano razvaljajte na pobrašnjenoj podlozi u pravokutnik.

Premažite ga mlakim pudingom (2 cm tijesta na kraju ostavite bez nadjeva) pa po njemu rasporedite grožđice i sjeckanu čokoladu.

Zavijte u svitak.

Oštrim nožem režite komade debele 2 – 2,5 cm.

Lim prekrijte papirom za pečenje pa na njega slažite svitke. Ostavite malo mjesta između svitaka – narasti će.

Ponovno sve prekrijte prozirnom folijom i ostavite da se diže dok se pećnica ne ugrije na 180 ºC.

Pecite 20-ak minuta.



For the dough:
450 g plain flour
14 g dry yeast
6 tbsp sugar
220 ml warm milk
2 eggs
90 g butter, melted
2 pouches vanilla sugar
1-2 teaspoons grated lemon zest

For the filling:
1 pouch vanilla-flavoured pudding powder
4 dl milk
3 tbsp sugar
1 teaspoon rum
1/3 cup raisins
2/3 cup chopped dark chocolate


Combine the yeast with a teaspoon of sugar, a teaspoon of flour and several tablespoons of warm milk. Let it foam.

Sift the flour and salt. Add the eggs, melted butter, sugar, vanilla sugar, lemon zest, risen yeast, and milk. Mix (using a dough hook) or knead until smooth dough is formed.

Cover with a sheet of plastic foil or a kitchen towel and leave to double in size.

Pour the raisins over with rum and a small amount of water. Cook briefly and sieve.

Cook the pudding and sugar in milk according to the instructions on the package. Press a sheet of plastic foil on top and leave to cool.

Roll out the dough lightly on a flour-dusted surface.

Spread the lukewarm pudding on top, leaving 2 cm at each end. Sprinkle with raisins and chopped chocolate.
Roll up the dough.

Use a sharp knife to cut 2-2 ½ cm thick pieces.

Line a baking tin with a sheet of parchment paper. Arrange the rolls, leaving some space between them as they will rise.

Cover with a sheet of plastic foil and leave to rise until the oven is preheated to 180 ºC.

Bake for about 20 minutes.