
600 g purećeg bijelog mesa, narezanog na tanke šnicle
100 g pršuta
100 g gauda sira
500 ml vrhnja za kuhanje
2 češnja češnjaka, sitno nasjeckana
sol i papar
nasjeckani peršinov list
2 žlice maslaca
1/3 šalice brašna
½ šalice ulja


Pureće šnicle nasolite i lagano potucite. Na svaki komad mesa polegnite šnitu pršuta i komadić sira pa zarolajte. Pričvrstite čačkalicom.
Svaku rolicu uvaljajte u brašno i kratko prepržite na vrućem ulju da se stvori korica.
Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 °C.
Vatrostalnu posudu premažite maslacem i u nju posložite rolice. Još nekoliko komadića maslaca pobacajte po mesu.
Češnjak i peršin umiješajte u vrhnje. Posolite i popaprite.
Prelijte po rolicama i pecite u pećnici 30 – 35 minuta.

Ovako pripremljene rolice poslužite uz pire krumpir, kuhano povrće (npr. brokulu) i sezonsku salatu.



600 g turkey fillet, sliced to thin escalopes
100 g prosciutto
100 g gouda cheese
500 ml cooking cream
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
salt and pepper
chopped parsley leaves
2 cups butter
1/3 cup flour
½ cup oil


Season the escalopes with salt and beat lightly with a mallet. Place a prosciutto slice and a piece of cheese on each escalope. Roll the escalopes up and secure with a toothpick.
Roll the rolls in flour and sear briefly in hot oil, in a pan, until crust forms.
Preheat the oven to °C.
Grease an oven-proof dish with butter. Place the rolls in it and top with the remaining butter.
Stir the chopped garlic and parsley to the cream. Season with salt and pepper.
Pour over the rolls and bake for 30-35 minutes.

Serve the rolls with mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables (e.g., broccoli) and seasonal salad.