
5 žutanjaka
5 žlica šećera
4 žlice škrobnog brašna
1 šalica mlijeka
½ šalice slatkog vrhnja
1 pakiranje burbon vanilije (ili 2 vanilin šećera)

600 ml slatkog vrhnja

1 staklenka pekmeza od crvenog voća (malina, jagoda ili slično)

6 jaja (odvojite bjelanjake od žutanjaka)
1 šalica šećera
prstohvat soli
1 šalica glatkog brašna
½ šalice škrobnog brašna
¾ žličice praška za pecivo

1 pakiranje marcipana
zelena prehrambena boja
šećer u prahu


Prvo napravite kremu.
U zdjeli pomiješajte žutanjke sa šećerom, škrobnim brašnom i burbon vanilijom. Dodajte i slatko vrhnje i miješajte dok smjesa ne postane glatka, bez grudica.
Mlijeko zavrijte. Maknite s vatre pa 1 šalicu mlijeka polako ulijevajte u žutanjke, stalno miješajući. Tako ćete zagrijati žutanjke i neće se zgrušati. Sad žutanjke ulijte u mlijeko, vratite nad laganu vatru i miješajte dok se krema ne zgusne.
Kuhanu kremu pokrijte prozirnom folijom (neka dotiče kremu da ne nastane korica!) i ohladite na sobnu temperaturu, a zatim stavite u hladnjak.
Dok se krema hladi, pripremite biskvit.
Pećnicu zagrijte na 160 °C. Kalup za tortu promjera 26 cm namastite i pobrašnite.
Bjelanjke tucite sa solju u snijeg. Polako mu dodajte šećer i žutanjke: prvo 1/3 šećera pa tucite. Onda žutanjak pa tucite. Pa opet žutanjak, tucite.
Onda 1/3 šećera pa opet 2 žutanjka, jedan po jedan. Nastavite dok ne umiješate sav šećer i žutanjke.

Prosijte brašno, škrobno brašno i prašak pa ih u 3 puta dodajte bjelanjcima. Ne miksajte, nego lopaticom, polako i nježno, umiješajte brašno (lopaticom odižući snijeg od dna prema vrhu zdjele).
Kad ste svo brašno umiješali, smjesom napunite pripremljeni kalup. Poravnajte površinu i pecite 30 minuta, tj. dok torta ne zamiriši, ne dobije lijepu boju, a čačkalica zabodena u sredinu ne izađe suha.
Biskvit potpuno ohladite, a zatim ga pažljivo prerežite na 3 dijela.

Slatko vrhnje istucite u čvrst snijeg pa ga lopaticom umiješajte u hladnu kremu.
Na tanjur za posluživanje stavite prvu koru. Premažite tankim slojem pekmeza i trećinom kreme. Na kremu položite drugu koru. Premažite pekmezom i drugom trećinom kreme. Prekrijte posljednjom korom. Tortu premažite sa svih strana preostalom kremom.
Marcipan izmijesite s nekoliko kapi zelene boje. Kad ste zadovoljni nijansom, razvaljajte ga (na malo šećera u prahu) u komad dovoljno velik da prekrije tortu.
Marcipanom pažljivo pokrijte tortu. Pritisnite uz stijenke, a višak marcipana odrežite oštrim nožem.

Ohladite u hladnjaku preko noći.



For the crème:
5 egg yolks
5 tbsp sugar
4 tbsp starch
1 cup milk
½ cup sweet cream
1 pouch bourbon vanilla (or 2 pouches vanilla sugar)

600 ml sweet cream

1 jar berry jam (raspberry, strawberry, or similar red fruit)

For the sponge:
6 eggs (separate the egg whites and egg yolks)
1 cup sugar
a pinch of salt
1 cup plain flour
½ cup starch
¾ teaspoon baking powder

1 package marzipan
green food colouring
icing sugar


Prepare the crème first.
Combine the egg yolks, sugar, starch, and bourbon vanilla in a bowl. Add the sweet cream and stir until well combined (no lumps remaining).
Bring the milk to a boil. Remove from heat. Pour 1 cup of the hot milk slowly into the egg yolk mixture, stirring constantly to increase the temperature of the mixture and prevent the egg yolks from coagulating. Add the mixture to the remaining milk and cook over low heat, stirring constantly, until thickened.
Cover the crème with a sheet of plastic foil (pressing it on top of the crème lest a crust should form!) and leave to cool to room temperature. Refrigerate.
Meanwhile prepare the sponge.
Preheat the oven to 160 °C. Grease a 26-cm cake tin and dust with flour.
Beat the egg whites and salt until stiff peaks form. Slowly add the sugar and the egg yolks – first add 1/3 of the sugar, beat for a while, then add one egg yolk, beat a bit longer, add another egg yolk and beat.
Then add another 1/3 of the sugar and another 2 egg yolks (one by one) and keep beating and adding until all the sugar and egg yolks have been used.

Sift the flour, starch and baking powder. Add to the egg whites in three batches, stirring gently and slowly using a spatula (do not use a mixer!), lifting the egg whites from the bottom upwards.
Transfer into the prepared cake tin. Trowel and bake for 30 minutes, or until the aroma has been released, the cake gets a nice colour, and a toothpick inserted in the centre comes out clean.
Leave to cool completely. Slice into three layers.

Whip the sweet cream until firm. Stir into the cold crème using a spatula.
Place the first layer of the sponge on a serving plate. Spread a thin layer of jam and top with 1/3 of the crème. Place the second layer of the sponge on top, spread the jam and another 1/3 of the crème. Top with the remaining layer of the sponge and spread the remaining crème on the top and sides of the cake.
Knead the marzipan and several drops of the green food colouring, until you are happy with the shade. Roll out (dust the board with some icing sugar) to the size of the cake.
Carefully cover the cake with the marzipan, pressing the sides. Cut off the excess marzipan.
Refrigerate overnight.