

200 g brašna

100 g hladnog maslaca

2 žlice šećera

prstohvat soli

1 žumanjak

2 žlice ledene vode



700 g kiselkastih jabuka

limunov sok



100 g šećera

1 žlica vanilije ili 1 vanilin šećer

3 žumanjka

2 dl slatkog vrhnja



Brašno prosijte sa solju i u sredini napravite udubinu. Maslac narežite na kockice pa ga nožem umiješajte u brašno da dobijete zrnatu smjesu. Dodajte ostale sastojke i brzo umijesite glatko tijesto. Zamotajte ga u plastičnu foliju i stavite u hladnjak na 30 minuta.

Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 stupnjeva C.

Jabuke ogulite, očistite od koštica i prepolovite. Svaku polovicu s vanjske strane zarežite nožem nekoliko puta. Poškropite limunovim sokom.

Ohlađeno tijesto razvaljajte da prekrije dno i stjenke kalupa za pite. Nabockajte ga vilicom pa po vrhu poslažite jabuke. Zarezana strana neka bude gore. Pecite 35 minuta.

Dok se kolač peče, pripremite preljev. Žičanom metlicom tucite jaja i šećer dok  se ne zapjene. Dodajte vaniliju i slatko vrhnje. Izjednačite pa prelijte po vrućem kolaču. Vratite u pećnicu i  pecite dok kolač ne dobije lijepu zlatnu boju – još 30 do 40 minuta.

Prije serviranja dobro ohladite.



20 g flour
10 dag cold butter
2 tbsp sugar
a pinch of salt
1 egg yolk
2 tbsp ice-cold water

700 g sour apples
lemon juice

10 dag sugar
1 tbsp vanilla or 1 pouch vanilla sugar
3 egg yolks
2 dl cream


Sift the flour with the salt, make a well in the middle. Cut the butter into small cubes and combine it with the flour using a knife, until lumpy. Add the remaining ingredients and quickly make smooth dough. Wrap it with plastic foil and refrigerate for 30 minutes.
Pre-heat the oven to 180 °C.
Peel and core the apples, cut them into halves. Using a knife, cut into the outer side several times. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
Roll out the chilled dough to the size of the bottom and sides of your pie tin. Pierce it with a fork. Arrange the apples with the outer side facing up. Bake for 35 minutes.
Meanwhile prepare the topping. Beat the eggs and sugar using a wire whisk, until foamy. Add the vanilla and cream. Combine well and pour over the hot pie. Return to the oven and bake until nicely golden – for about 30 – 40 minutes longer.
Leave to cool well before serving.