Slastica u čast velikoj balerini Ani Pavlovoj


4 bjelanjka

1 šalica šećera

3 žličice škrobnog brašna

1 žličica bijelog octa

Voće po želji (jagode, naranča, banana, mango…)

Limunov sok

300 ml slatkog vrhnja

1 žl šećera u prahu

1 žličica cimeta


Pećnicu zagrijte na 180 stupnjeva. Lim za pečenje prekrijte papirom na kojem ste označili kružnicu promjera 26 cm.

Bjelanjke tucite mikserom da dobijete čvrst snijeg. Postepeno, u 3 dodavanja, umiješajte šećer. Tucite nakon svakog dodavanja. Dodajte i škrobno brašno i ocat i tucite bar još 5 min da smjesa postane sjajna i kompaktna.

Lopaticom ili širokim nožem bjelanjke nanesite na označenu kružnicu. Rubove podignite nožem da dobiju formu košarice. Stavite u pećnicu, smanjite temperaturu na 160 stupnjeva i pecite 40 min.

Ugasite pećnicu, odškrinite vrata i ostavite pavlovu da se u pećnici ohladi.

Slatko vrhnje istucite u šlag. Umiješajte šećer i cimet.

Voće narežite i pokapajte limunovim sokom.

Ohlađenu koru premažite šlagom pa po njemu poslažite voće. Poslužite.


A meringue-based dessert named after the Russian ballerina Anna Pavlova


4 egg whites
1 cup sugar
3 teaspoon starch
1 teaspoon white vinegar
fruit to your liking (strawberries, oranges, bananas, mangos…)
lemon juice
300 ml sweet cream
1 tbsp icing sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon


Preheat the oven to 180 °C.

Line the baking tin with a piece of parchment paper, with a marked circle 26 cm in diameter.
Beat the egg whites with a mixer until stiff peaks form. Mix in the sugar slowly, in three batches, mixing well between the batches. Add the starch and vinegar and beat for at least 5 minutes longer, until the mixture is firm and glossy.
Use a spatula or a knife with a wide blade to place the mixture on the marked circle. Using a knife raise the rim upwards to form a basket.

Place into the oven, lower the temperature to 160 °C and bake for 40 minutes.
Turn off the oven, open the oven door slightly and leave the meringue to cool in the oven.
Beat the sweet cream to get firm whipped cream. Beat in the sugar and cinnamon.
Slice the fruit and sprinkle with lemon juice.
Line the cooled meringue with whipped cream. Arrange the fruit on top and serve.