
6 žutanjaka
8 žlica šećera
2 žlice kakaa
4 žlice oštrog brašna
½ praška za pecivo
8 bjelanjaka

10 žlica šećera
2 žutanjka
1 jaje
4 žlice oštrog brašna
4 dl mlijeka
1 margarin
3 žlice kakaa

100 g čokolade za kuhanje
3 žlice mlijeka
5 dag maslaca
1 žlica šećera


Pećnicu zagrijte na 160 °C.
Lim za pečenje veličine pećnice prekrijte papirom za pečenje.

Žutanjke tucite sa šećerom do pjenastog, dodajte brašno, kakao i prašak za pecivo.
Posebno istucite bjelanjke u čvrst snijeg pa ih lagano umiješajte u čokoladnu smjesu. Rasporedite po papiru za pečenje i pecite 20 – 25 minuta. Pečen biskvit zarolajte zajedno s papirom na kojem je pečen i ostavite da se ohladi.

Pripremite kremu. Žutanjke i jaje tucite sa šećerom i brašnom. Mlijeko zagrijte gotovo do vrenja. Žlicu po žlicu dodajte mlijeko žutanjcima, miješajući, da se zagriju, a zatim ih dodajte preostalom mlijeku, stavite na laganu vatru i kuhajte dok se krema ne zgusne. Stalno miješajte.
Kuhanu kremu ohladite.

Margarin pjenasto umutite, a zatim u njega umiješajte i kuhanu hladnu kremu.

Tijesto odrolajte i premažite polovinom kreme. U ostatak umiješajte kakao pa premažite preko žutog nadjeva. Roladu zarolajte.

Čokoladu, mlijeko, šećer i maslac otopite na laganoj vatri. Miješajte. Kad je glazura ujednačena, prelijte je preko rolade.



For the sponge cake:
6 egg yolks
8 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp cocoa powder
4 tbsp pastry flour
½ satchel baking powder
8 egg whites

For the crème:
10 tbsp sugar
2 egg yolks
1 egg
4 tbsp pastry flour
4 dl milk
1 butter
3 tbsp cocoa powder

For the glaze:
100 g dark chocolate
3 tbsp milk
5 dag butter
1 tbsp sugar


Preheat the oven to 160 °C.
Line the baking tin with a sheet of baking paper.

Beat the egg yolks and sugar until foamy. Add the flour, cocoa powder and baking powder.
In a separate bowl, beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Stir it gently into the chocolate mixture, spread on a sheet of baking paper and bake for 20 – 25 minutes. Roll up the baked sponge cake together with the baking paper and leave to cool.

To prepare the crème, beat the egg yolks and the egg with sugar and flour. Heat the milk until it is below the boiling point. Add the milk – one spoon at the time – to the egg yolks, stirring constantly, until warm. Pour the remaining milk and cook over low heat until thickened, stirring constantly.
Leave the crème to cool.

Beat the butter until foamy. Stir in the cooled crème.
Unravel the sponge cake roll and spread one half of the crème. Add the cocoa to the remaining crème, spread over the yellow layer and roll.

Melt the chocolate, milk, sugar and butter over low heat, stirring constantly. When the glaze is uniform, pour it over the roll.