
300 ml kokosovog mlijeka
1 žlica kokosove masti (ili 1 obilna žlica maslaca)
1/3 šalice kokosovog šećera
2 šalice kokosa
rum, vanilija

100 g tamne čokolade
1 žlica kokosove masti ili maslaca
1 žlica kokosovog mlijeka


Pomiješajte mlijeko, mast i šećer pa stavite na vatru. Kad zavrije, promiješajte, smanjite vatru i kuhajte 3 – 5 minuta (dok se ne počne gustiti). Maknite s vatre.
Dodajte rum i vaniliju pa umiješajte kokos.
Na neprijanjajućoj podlozi od smjese napravite pravokutnik debljine 1,5 cm.
Stavite u hladnjak na 2 sata da se stisne. Izrežite prutiće pa ih zamrznite na 30 minuta.
Čokoladu otopite s kokosovom masti.
Zamrznute prutiće umačite u čokoladu pa vratite na neprjanjajuću podlogu.
Čuvajte u hladnjaku.

NAPOMENA: Ovako pripremljeni štapići, premda ukusom vrlo slični, neće biti bijele boje poput izvorne slastice. To je zbog smeđe boje kokosovog šećera. Želite li štapiće izgledom nalik na kupovne (neće biti paleo!), koristite običan šećer i maslac.



300 ml coconut milk
1 tbsp coconut fat (or 1 heaping tbsp butter)
1/3 cup coconut sugar
2 cups coconut
rum, vanilla extract

100 g dark chocolate
1 tbsp coconut fat or butter
1 tbsp coconut milk


Combine the milk, fat and sugar. Bring to a boil. Stir, lower the heat and cook for 3-5 minutes, until it starts to thicken. Remove from heat.
Add the rum and vanilla. Stir in the coconut.
Transfer the mixture to a non-stick surface and make a 1.5-cm thick rectangle.
Refrigerate for 2 hours. Cut into strips and freeze for 30 minutes.
Melt the chocolate and the coconut fat.
Dip the frozen strips into the chocolate and return to the non-stick surface.
Keep refrigerated.


Treats prepared in this manner will be as tasty as the original, although not nearly as white in colour, due to the colour of the coconut sugar. If appearance matters, use white sugar and butter, but the treat will no longer be part of the paleo diet.