
5 kg malih krastavaca za kiseljenje

1 korijen hrena, očišćen i narezan na štapiće

3 l alkoholnog octa

1,5 l vode

Papar u zrnu

Cvijet kumina/kopra



Krastavce dobro očetkajte i isperite pod jakim mlazom hladne vode. Posušite.

Staklenke operite i stavite u pećnicu zagrijanu na 100 stupnjeva C na 10 minuta. Ohladite pa u njih uspravno slažite krastavce. Između krastavaca tu i tamo ubacite štapiće hrena i papar. Slažite dok ne napunite staklenku. Ukrižajte 2-3 daščice da se krastavci ne bi digli kad ulijete ocat. Po vrhu složite cvjetove kumina.

Ocat pomiješajte s vodom i prelijte preko krastavaca.

Obično se ocat miješa s vodom u omjeru 3:1. Ja činim kako je činio moj djed: miješam 2/3 octa i 1/3 vode. Krastavci su kiseliji, ali se ne kvare.

Pričekajte nekoliko minuta da se tekućina slegne, pa još dolijte po potrebi, tako da krastavci budu potpuno prekriveni.

Staklenku zatvorite celofanom ili poklopcem i ostavite na hladnom i tamnom mjestu bar mjesec dana.

Napomena: Nakon 2 tjedna povjerite jesu li krastavci i dalje potpuno prekriveni tekućinom. Ako treba, pomiješajte još octa i vode pa dolijte u staklenke.



5 kg small pickling cucumbers
1 horse radish root, cleaned and cut into strips
3 l alcohol vinegar
1 ½ l water
pepper corns
cumin / dill flower
3 l volume jars


Wash the jars thoroughly and place them into an oven pre-heated to 100 °C for 10 minutes. Leave to cool. Wash and brush the cucumbers well and arrange them vertically in the jars, adding a horse radish stick and pepper sparsely, until the jars are filled. Place the cumin flowers on top and cross 2 sticks to press the cucumbers lest they should rise once you pour in the vinegar.
Combine the vinegar with water and pour into the jars. (My grandpa used to combine 2/3 vinegar with 1/3 water, which is why his pickles were more sour, but never spoiled.) Let the liquid settle and pour in more if needed, so that the cucumbers are fully submerged. Cover the jars with sheets of cellophane or with a lid and leave in a cold, dark place for at least a month.
Note: After 2 weeks check whether the cucumbers are still fully submerged in the liquid. Add more vinegar and water if needed.