
1 lijepi veliki poriluk
2 dag šunke ili slanine
5 jaja, odvojiti žutanjke od bjelanjaka
3 – 4 žlice kiselog vrhnja
3 – 4 žlice kravljeg sira
1 šalica ribanog parmezana
papar s limunom (ili obični)
šaka mljevenih oraha


Pećnicu zagrijte na 200 °C.
Kalup za nabujak premažite maslacem i pospite orasima. Od papira za pečenje izrežite traku široku 5 cm pa njome „povisite“ rub kalupa.
Poriluk operite i narežite na tanje kolutove. Pirjajte ga na maslacu 15-ak minuta da postane mekan. Posolite i popaprite po ukusu.
Šunku sitno iskošite i dodajte poriluku.
Žutanjke pomiješajte s vrhnjem. Dodajte kravlji sir i naribani parmezan. Na kraju umiješajte i poriluk.
Bjelanjke istucite u čvrst snijeg pa ga nježno umiješajte u smjesu jaja i poriluka.
Napunite kalup i pecite 30 min bez otvaranja pećnice. Ugasite pećnicu i ostavite nabujak još desetak minuta unutra.



1 nice large leek
2 dag ham or bacon
5 eggs, separate the egg yolks from the egg whites
3-4 tbsp sour cream
3-4 tbsp cow milk cheese
1 cup grated parmesan
lemon pepper (or pepper)
a handful of ground walnuts


Preheat the oven to 200 °C.
Grease a soufflé tin with butter and sprinkle with walnuts. Cut a sheet of parchment paper to get a 5-cm wide ribbon that will serve to add to the height of the tin.
Wash and slice the leek thinly. Sauté in butter for about 15 minutes, until tender. Season with salt and pepper to taste.
Add the finely chopped ham.
Combine the egg yolks with the cream. Add the cow milk cheese and grated parmesan. Stir in the leek.
Beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Fold gently into the egg and leak mixture.
Transfer to the tin and bake for 30 minutes, leaving the oven door closed at all times. Turn the heat off and leave the soufflé to sit in the oven for another 10 minutes.